When Hol*coughs* I mean DW37 just can't stop lying

Oct 06, 2015 02:31

As you know DW37 tried to get my LJ suspended (didn't work, bitch) and wrote a comment on my back-up account:

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Comments 6

etoile_etiolee October 6 2015, 02:06:18 UTC
Is there a way to take their gofoundme campain down?


angels_trap October 6 2015, 02:25:38 UTC
Not really.
There's a "report" option but it doesn't help much unless it's a fraud and we can't really do much unless we get official paperwork saying that their kids are healthy but that's it.


herminekurotowa October 6 2015, 08:15:40 UTC
I was affected pretty hard by the death of 'Tommy's little girl since my own girl is just six weeks junior to 'Saoirse' - if she was a real baby. I had a break down last weekend when it finally sunk in that EVERYTHING he told us was a lie. But I'm better now; I'm glad it's over and now, I can move on.

I feel very pity for this woman who seems to lead a very sad life, who feels the need to lie to everyone in order to get some encouragement and reception. I'm sure I could have liked her for herself, no lies needed, if she had approached us as herself. After all, we're a family, and I still believe in it.

I'm glad you told us. Thank you for all your hard work. Keep it up.


angels_trap October 6 2015, 12:00:57 UTC
You are a kind soul, some people would love to get very violent on her, I don't really blame them.

You are right, we ARE family and she hurt my family, I won't allow that, I will go Dean Winchester on anybody who tries.

One of the perks of this account is that I could tell her to fuck off when she tried to play the bullied victim again, hard to do that without looking like an ass with a regular account (you have probably seen or heard from people who did try to question DW37 and were shunned and desribed as hateful bullies).
It's one of the tricks manipulative people use, to make YOU feel as the bad guy in the end.
Doesn't work when I don't need to be friendly with anybody here, nobody to shun me, nobody to hate me other than the person I couldn't care less about :D


deceptivemirror October 7 2015, 00:37:04 UTC
Thank you for your tireless work. I'm still a bit in shock. It's great that you're doing stuff like this, protecting us from…geez, what does one even call a person like that?!


angels_trap October 7 2015, 10:23:42 UTC
You'e welcome, nobody gets to hurt my family.
Not sure how to call such person without swearing but the term " Münchausen by Internet" fits the condition, I would add "by proxy" to that too as that is used when the person uses somebody else to get attention (like a crazy mother claims to have a sick child to get attention, that's what Holly did too, plus DW37's story of "abuse" and yeah, ten levels of fucked up, psychiatrists would have a field day).


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