When Hol*coughs* I mean DW37 just can't stop lying

Oct 06, 2015 02:31

As you know DW37 tried to get my LJ suspended (didn't work, bitch) and wrote a comment on my back-up account:

I responded calling her out on her bullshit (you can read the response yourself) but here I'm going to prove how full of bullshit her comment is.

1. she did NOT try to contact me, I already explained how that part is made up
2. she did not come to LJ looking for this "TJ Danielson". She is not on LJ, doesn't know how to navigate it but knows his username and MY posts come up? Not likely as my settings do not allow search engines to index my posts which means that my posts would NOT show up when she searched for him, not on Google, not on LJ's Yandex or anywhere else. So that part is made up too.
3. he knew her phone number and adress but she doesn't know ANYTHING about him? Do you randomly give out your personal information to people? Riiiight.
4. playing the victim of "my friend did it" was already explained as old tune of manipulating sock accounts and plagiarists.
5. remember aloftbyangels /leeleegirl the imaginary veteran who lived with dreamweaver37 and his "husband Dan" for a while and was "in the midst of getting her Doctorate in Divinity"? With the journal being later used by "Dan"?

Well, looks like Hol-*coughs*DW37 is kinda stuck to that username.

Can't claim that it's not her when she claims it to be her (logic, gotta love it), not only that, she claims to be the "real" Leelee *rolls eyes*
Here you have the clearest proof of all proofs that it really IS who I told you it is:

Remember how obsessed with Richard DW37 was?

Any more questions?
That's it guys, we have her, we know her name and have clear proof, no doubts anymore.
She can't even really complain about her name and pictures being found out since she was the idiot who put them up.
dreamweaver37 is Holly [insert-last-name-from-public-GoFundMe-page-here]


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