Claim Your Prompt About Schmoopy Buttfucking!

Dec 11, 2006 10:02

Okay guys! Time to choose prompts! Have at it. Please choose only ONE!

I'll do my best to keep up with crossing off prompts as they're claimed, but check the comments before you make your claim, so you don't try to claim one that's already taken.

Remember: stories are due February 14, minimum of 500 words. Buttfucking is 100% optional. Shortly before the 14th, I (or sevenfists) will make a post with instructions on how to submit your story. Write away!

SPN prompts

- Sam, Dean, white lace hankie, tearful lovemaking

- Dean ALMOST gets eaten by EVIL PIGS but SAM SAVES HIM and then they have sex and live happily ever after.

- An evil curse puts one of the boys into a Sleeping Beauty-like slumber and the other one has kiss him to wake him up. And maybe fight a dragon too.

- Sam, Dean, kissing and fire. Candle light, or the flame of a zippo lighter, maybe a camp fire, or a log fire in some old giant fireplace? Or maybe one of them catches on fire and the other puts him out...Then kissing...

- John proposes to Mary with maximum schmoop. Bonus points for bad poetry being involved somehow.

- Sam said he was with Jess for "a year and a half," right? So how did he spend his first two Valentine's Days at Stanford?

- Dean gets asked to the high school Valentine's Day dance by a boy.

- An evil fangirl witch puts a spell on one of the boys to make him fall in love with her and be trapped in her thrall forever and ever, and the other boy discovers that Schmoopy Buttfucking of True Love is the only way to break the spell.

- Wee!Kripke and/or present!Kripke playing with his Ken dolls, named "Sam" and "Dean" and having them act out an epic of schmoopy, porny love.

- Dean gives himself papercuts so Sammy will kiss them all better.

- Wee!Sam gives wee!Dean a homemade Valentine's Day card. Hugging, blushing, and tearful pledges of devotion are a must.

- The first Valentine's Day at Stanford, Sam is visited by Dean, and they have buttsex while manfully crying tears of JOY.

- The first Valentine's Day after Stanford, Sam and Dean reaffirm their commitment to each other by having lots and lots of buttsex holed up in a hotel somewhere.

- The 2nd Valentine's Day at Stanford, Dean doesn't visit Sam, and he has buttsex with Jess while crying and she thinks its because the sex is so good.

- John and Daniel Elkins, before the breakup. Rough yet tender buttsex with a happy ending.

- Wee!Winchesters. Handmade Valentine's by Sam. And if you want, a fastforward to Dean keeping said Valentine. And then the buttfucking happens.

- AU. Dean never gets back in his body after 'In My Time of Dying' and he and Sam have to spend Valentine's Day talking through conversation hearts. And then the incorporeal buttfucking happens.

- Dean and Sam in Harvelle's Road House. After hours. Slowdancing to 80s rock ballads. And then comes the buttfucking on the floor.

- Similar to the above, classic rock ballads in the Impala. Steamy makeout in the backseat. And then buttfucking. (Extra points for working in a hand print like in Titanic! Ha.)

- priest!Winchesters with guns, bringing the righteous justice and then, obviously, buttfucking. You may take them out of the priest outfits before they screw if you're feeling a bit less than sacrilegious. Failing that, feral!possessive!Dean and oblivious!Sam would be perfectly acceptable.

- Drunken karaoke wherein either Sam sings a Celine Dion song or Dean sings an Elvis song. Followed by the buttsex.

- John/Mary, first Valentine's together.

- Sam. Dean. Passionate kissing ala The Notebook followed by the buttsex.

- Sam/Dean, first snow, mittens, diner food.

- One of the boys is laid up with an illness or an injury and the other one spends the day fussing over him with chicken soup and soft pillows and maybe handjobs.

- Mary explains Valentine's to wee!Dean and John surprises her (flowers, night out, really hot non-butt sex).

- Trying to get Missouri a surprise for Valentine's day proves challenging for her significant other.

- Cupid is real, the boys have to deal with the fallout of Cupid run amok. (Can also be RPF.)

- Dean and Cassie Valentine, see if you can get us to like her for a change.

- ANYTHING involving Vogon poetry, please. I must have it.

- Cupid made them do it. Really.

- The boys have to exorcise demonic man-eating pigs and then someone gets hurt and then comes the teary lovemaking?

- Singing telegrams of love sent by Dean while Sammy's at Stanford. JealousWTF!Jessica is optional.

- Sam gets injured during a hunt, and is laid up in bed for a few weeks afterwards. He's grumpy and petulant (read: bitchface!) and despite Dean's worry, he kinda comes close to wanting to put a pillow over Sam's head. When Sam's well on the road to recovery, he realises what a tool he's been and is absurdly grateful for Dean looking after him... again. Schmoopy buttfucking ensues.

- The Impala breaks down in the middle of the night in the middle of a rainstorm in the middle of nowhere. Dean's trying to fix it while Sam's holding the flashlight and they're both getting soaked and irritable. Finally they give up and crawl into the backseat. Damp (and possibly greasy!) schmoopy buttfucking ensues.

- Sam gets cursed by a witch, and ends up locked at the top of a tower, a la Rapunzel, and a GIRL. Dean has to rescue him (letting down of Sam's hair optional). It should be really fable-like, with sword-fights and fending off of dragons and whatnot. When Sam is rescued, Dean kisses him (her?) and that breaks the spell -- Sam is a maaaayyyiin again! Schmoopy buttfucking ensues.

- Sam and Dean are really, really, REALLY in love. Schmoopy buttfucking ensues.

- Sam & Dean as rogue demon hunters in the middle ages. Like, cliche fantasy type sword-swinging nomadic dragon-hunters with incestous buttsex on the side but not, er, on horseback, because ouch.

- Dean going on a Valentine's Day date with someone and Sam following behind, being possessive and jealous and attempting to be being stealthy. Whether or not Dean knows he's being followed is up to person writing. Schmoopy buttfucking follows after. (I would kinda love it if there was some kind of photography equipment being used by Sam, but that's just my kink - totally optional)

- Sam/Jess. They're seperated on Valentines Day, cue phone sex. Bonus points if pictures are sent via mobile phones.

- Sam or Dean has synesthesia and can therefore come from just a kiss or something. Could be from a curse and that the solution to have it lifted is to be fucked senseless.

- Dean's madly in love with some girl, so he makes Sam help him out with the Valentine. Wincest can ensue if you like. *g*

- Sam turns into cupid. If someone takes this prompt and runs with it, I will love you forever.

- Sam and Dean have to investigate a haunted Valentines cruise for gay couples (somewhere warm I'm presuming). Of course they have to pose as a couple, including Sam putting sun screen on Dean's freckled back.

- The boys deal with an incubus wreaking havoc with singles on Valentines Day. Unfortunately, the demon left behind his toys that they have to get rid of and Sam ends up having to cockblock a possessed dildo that seems to have a crush on his brother. Emphasis on the his. Extra points if Dean suggests keeping it as a pet like a kinkier version of Slimer for the Ghostbusters.

- Sam/Dean...possessive, jealous Sam...Dean gets asked out on a date for Valentine's Day by Jo, he goes and then has to make it up to Sam.

- Sam/Dean...the ways they say "I love you" to one another.

- Dean shows shapeshifter!Sam the ways of love (by this I mean the whole VDay romance type not just sex). Sam's gone, but Dean's still got him...he loves this different Sam as much as he did the real one and wants to make shapeshifter!Sam understand just how much.

- First time buttsex in which both boys (Sam and Dean, certainamente!) are awkward and cute and nervous. Age is negotiable. So is who tops.

- After a really dangerous hunt that could have left them both dead, they're lying in bed with scar!porn, snuggling and buttsex for the win.

- Sam/Jess/Dean stuck in a snowstorm with not much to do.

- Sam/Dean, Sam admits that the one thing he missed most about Valentine's Day when he was a kid was all the little valentines normal people passed out in school. He never got any, since he was always the new kid. Dean makes up for it by buying him a shitload of them.

- Sam/Ellen, Sam shows up at the Roadhouse on Valentine's Day.

- Sam/Dean. Dean is surprisingly depressed over the fact that Sam and him have never had a real date before. Sam decides to fix that.

- Times Sam and Dean have said "I love you" (not necessarily to each other).

- Sam buys something awesome for the impala because he knows that if he tried to buy something for Dean on Valentine's there would be much asskicking and he prefers the inevitable gratitude of car!gifts instead. Also, hot sticky sex on a newly-detailed impala.

- Either boy is cursed with something akin to Tourette's, an inability to self-censor. Therefore, he says exactly what he's feeling exactly when he's feeling it. Much to both their embarrassment.

- Since most everything in the Impala suffered in the accident, Sam makes Dean a mix-tape of the greatest love songs of Mullet Rock.

- Winchesters don't do roses or candy. Winchesters give protective amulets or ammo. Dean gives Sam something for Valentine's day that doesn't initially make sense. Sam is confused, Dean gets pissy, sex somehow ensues.

- Wing!fic, and a play on Eros. Sam's cursed with wings and insatiable desire, and Dean's got to break the curse somehow, only Sam seems pretty intent on constant, 24/7 sexing instead.

- Snow and cocoa on Valentine's Day.

- Dean goes to find some sort of weird hankering Sam's had, thanks to the oddities of California cuisine, and brings him back some sort of exotic take-out for Valentine's Day. (Exotic being not tacos, burgers, pizza or lo mein, but after that, go nuts.)

- Dean has his own Valentine's tradition after Sam's left for Stanford: porn, as many hours as he can stand to watch. He keeps it up once Sam's back on the road with him, and Sam decides to join in, and maybe improve upon tradition.

- For Valentine's day, Jess initiates Sam to hot buttsex (preferably her butt, his dick, but hey. if you want to graduate to other vairations on the theme later, be my guest...). Sam realises this must be love.

- Sam, Dean, Jo and Ellen are trapped in the Roadhouse on Valentine's Day when a Cupid's arrow lands on the roof, triggering mayhem and love/lust related craziness. Bonus points for including Ash. Some slash likely there, because clearly, the whole things gets completely out of hand. Including the potential for slightly squicky Jo/Ellen incest. Oh well, can't help it.

- Sam gets asked to the senior prom by a hot girl. Cue jealous Dean, tongue-tied Sam, John trying to give him "the talk"... Then again, maybe Sam turns out not to be as naive as he looks.

- Dean/Sam: Dean's caught out in the snow after a hunt and by the Sam finds him he's freezing cold. Sam uses body heat to warm him up. First kiss, first anything else too maybe! Yay cliches!!

- Sam/Lenore, red.

- Sam/Lenore, after Lenore has saved Sam's life.

- Sam/Sarah, pillow.

- Sam/Ellen, late night phone calls. They start off innocent enough, but Ellen's voice gets to Sam, and he starts jerking off while she's on the phone.

- Dean/Sam. Months of longing, one or both assuming that he's alone in feeling something more than brotherly love, but a happy, schmoopy, slashy, and possibly porny buttfucking ending!

- AU Dean/Sam are time travellers. Where/when do they end up on Valentine's Day, and how is it celebrated there/then?

- Sam/Dean, ROMANTIC GETAWAY, extrapoints if it's at the Grand Canyon

- Sam/Dean, romantic surgery!! as in one of the boys is sustaining major injuries and the other is changing bandages and such

- Sam and Dean have no one on V-Day night. Except each other. NAW.

- Dean finds an old letter from Jess in Sam's things.

- Ghost!Jess visits Sammy.

RPF prompts

- Jared proposes to Sandy.

- Sandy proposes to Jared!

- Jared and Jensen start off as fuck-buddies but eventually come to realize the depth of their TRUE LOVE!

- Jared/Sandy/Jensen. Sandy's pregnant, it's valentines, and all three of them are curled up on Jared's bed in a tangle of legs and arms and nose buried in hair.

- Jensen having to feed a broken-armed Jared with chopsticks. Or maybe hand-feeding him all the chocolate they received from fans.

- One of the boys and the book: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Romance.

- Jensen/Jared...Jared decorates Jensen's house for Valentine's day.

- How Jared knew he was in love with Sandy and what he did about it.

- Jared--making out, really sloppily, all carried away. In public, and maybe even gathering an audience. Don't mind with who.

- One of the boys desperately trying to seduce the other, going to great lengths to be super-romantic, and the other being entirely oblivious.

- Jared recruits Jensen to help him make food (preferably something messy) as a Valentine's surprise for Sandy. It's up to you whether you want to have Jared be with Sandy, Jensen, or both.

- Sandy/Jared, first date

- Jared/Jensen, snowed in in Vancouver on Valentine's Day
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