Dec 05, 2006 07:42
Time to give prompts! Yay!
Providing a prompt doesn't mean you're obligated to write a story. Give as many prompts as you feel like! Give ten! Or just give one. Also, you don't have to give a prompt in order to choose one later, but if there aren't enough prompts to go around and you're one of the people who hasn't provided, you're SOL.
Remember: prompts can be for schmoop, porn, or schmoopy porn. NO ANGST without lots of comfort. I am so serious. Prompts that displease me will get DELETED. Because I have all the power here. HAHAHAHAHA.
Uh, where was I. Yes! Prompts can be about any and all canon SPN characters. In terms of RPS, acceptable characters are Jared, Jensen, and Sandy. No gen, but you can write a G-rated Disney-style romance if you feel like it. Explicit porn is not necessary! Just romance.
Keep in mind: this is for Valentine's Day. Think about what sort of story you would like to read on Valentine's Day. NO MAN-EATING PIGS. Unless there is teary lovemaking involved.
So yes, have at it! If you aren't sure your prompt is acceptable, go ahead and post it anyway, I will weed through and DELETE before I make the post offering up prompts to be claimed. Which will happen in a few days. Stay tuned!