Alright, everybody be cool-this is a robbery!

Jun 14, 2015 23:17

Our boys are great human beings, and that’s wonderful. But isn’t it kinda hot when they’re bad, too? >:) A few standout fics below featuring the Js as robbers, con men, pirates, and other lovable rogues.

Beginner’s Luck by bertee (Jared/Jensen, NC-17, ~50,000 words)
Summary: Medieval-esque fantasy AU. Dashing-adventurer!Jared meets male-equivalent-of-a- ( Read more... )

pirates, crime

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Comments 7

adameyezd June 15 2015, 20:25:46 UTC
Thank you for the great recs & I've read them all except for Zounds. Your link didn't lead to a Masterpost but it did lead to the first story so I copied & pasted the 11 parts that I found. Comments seem to infer there may be more so I just wondered if you knew if there were more than 11 parts.

Thank you!


cherie_morte June 15 2015, 20:27:49 UTC
Hello there, yes, if you read what I wrote in the "bonus" section, I acknowledge that the main link is to the first story only, but I also include the link to the full verse. It's such a fun fun verse! I hope you enjoy all the many glimpses we get into it!


adameyezd June 15 2015, 20:40:11 UTC
Oh yes, I see now! That's great!

Thank you again!


amberdreams June 16 2015, 10:03:12 UTC
Thanks for the recs - I'd read the bertee one but none of the others. I feel I'll never really catch up on what happened in fandom before I got involved so when people take the time to make some recs it helps a lot!


cherie_morte June 16 2015, 16:47:59 UTC
Haha, I know that feeling! Never a lack of things to read in the Supernatural fandom!!


shinybiancachu December 16 2015, 04:11:25 UTC
I hadn't read two of them so thanks for the list.


cherie_morte December 16 2015, 04:12:34 UTC
Glad you enjoyed it!


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