Alright, everybody be cool-this is a robbery!

Jun 14, 2015 23:17

Our boys are great human beings, and that’s wonderful. But isn’t it kinda hot when they’re bad, too? >:) A few standout fics below featuring the Js as robbers, con men, pirates, and other lovable rogues.

Beginner’s Luck by bertee (Jared/Jensen, NC-17, ~50,000 words)
Summary: Medieval-esque fantasy AU. Dashing-adventurer!Jared meets male-equivalent-of-a-damsel-in-distress!Jensen, who is on the run from a very shady JDM. With a little (read: a lot) of help from Jensen, Jared overcomes various hazards including a fire-breathing dragon, a haunted forest, and a nymph who is adamant that Jared should come to live with her underwater. Jared's reputation grows as a result of his heroics but before he and Jensen can plan their happily ever after, Jensen's past rears its ugly head, putting both of their lives in danger. It turns out that disgruntled dragons are the least of Jared's problems.

Saturday Night Special by fiercelynormal (Jared/Jensen, NC-17, 1,750 words)
Summary: When Jensen and his boyfriend find themselves in a hostage situation, Jensen's boyfriend is a whimpering mess, trying to hide behind Jensen. Jensen just rolls his eyes while being provocative and not shutting up, insulting the bank robbers. Jensen is more than glad that finally something exciting is happening in his life.

And Jared, one of the bank robbers? Finds it all very amusing and is more than willing to show Jensen how much excitement someone can really have.

You’ve Got Me by minchout (Jared/Jensen, NC-17, 6,800 words)
Summary: Con-man Jensen Ackles is released from prison into the custody of FBI Agent Jared Padalecki. The two have a long history of playing cat and mouse, but now that they’re stuck together, things between them change.

Zounds! by zubeneschamali (Jared/Jensen, PG-13, 883 words)
Summary: Jensen's a pirate interstellar privateer who just found some unexpected cargo on board.
Bonus!: This is only the first (very short) story in a verse that continues on with many fun installments. I cannot rec the verse enough, half because space pirate!Jensen is so dashing, but more so (more half? Shut up, Cherie) because the relationship that grows between him and Jared is just the sweetest. You can find the verse masterpost here.

pirates, crime

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