Halloween Fest Prompts List

Sep 18, 2006 09:57

Halloween prompts are now up for claiming!

Below is a list of 175 prompts for Halloween-themed Supernatural stories. I have tried to organize the list -- to make it more aesthetically pleasing if not actually easier to navigate -- so the prompts are divided up by category.1

You may claim up to two prompts, and each prompt may be claimed only once. (I'll try to cross them off as they're claimed, but glance over the previous comments first just in case I'm behind.) The prompts list will be open for claiming throughout the challenge, so if you finish those two stories and want to come back for more (like a greedy, greedy child), feel free to do so.

Supernatural Halloween stories that are not based on prompts are, of course, also welcome.

Stories should be at least 500 words in length, though if you prefer drabbles you may write several drabbles instead. If the pairing or lack thereof is not specified in the prompt, your story may be gen, wincest or any other pairing you like. Likewise, all genres, styles, and ratings are permitted. Check out the rules for more information, and drop me a line if you have any questions.

You may begin posting your stories on October 1.2

1 There is no category for "Severed Limbs," but do not take that to mean you cannot include a variety of severed limbs in your stories. Severed limbs are fun for the whole family.

2 That is, unless I get impatient, or it snows during September, or there are several people chomping at the bit to post their stories earlier, in which case the start date is subject to change.

Monster Mash: The Winchesters vs. Evil Things

1. Movie monsters come to life and run amok. This is a problem for the Winchesters, because movie monsters don't act like "real" monsters, and all of John's carefully researched lore is useless. claimed by eloise_bright

2. A wannabe Wiccan summons more than (s)he bargains for on the night when the veil between worlds is thinnest. claimed by meinterrupted

3. Nursery rhymes and childhood fairytales are turned into grisly murders, with tales of cloying decay, incest etc., (for example, Bluebeard and his dead wives). claimed by rachel_shanz

4. John, Sam, and Dean encounter a town so haunted, with so many supernatural-related deaths and incidents, the town has banned Halloween. claimed by lovetheboys

5. The Winchesters have to take on their own nightmares, literally. claimed by mrscutedean

6. Stephen King's It, with Winchesters. claimed by obsessedmuch

7. Zombies invade Dean's senior Halloween party. They're all slow-moving and not the biggest threat, so Dean has to be really subtle about disposing of them so his date won't suspect anything.

8. The family is staying in Salem, Massachusetts and come All Hallows Eve victims of the witch trials (actual witches or not) are back for revenge. claimed by obeetaybee

9. There is a supernatural serial killer on the loose, but due to previous pranks, the police don't believe the boys and John is MIA. claimed by emication

10. Dean and Sam face off against a horde of angry Gremlins. claimed by kellifer_fic

11. Sam and Dean are trapped in frat house with a fear demon and a bunch of drunk party-goers and are confronted with their own fears. claimed by obsessedmuch

12. A would-be medium inadvertently stirs up trouble in the Adirondacks, and the Headless Horseman rides again. (Bonus points if they're stuck trying to duck media attention and amateur hunters.) claimed by dark_roast

13. Dean squares off against a nasty warlock. (Gen or het)

14. A ghost/witch/demon POV of a Halloween meeting with the Winchesters. claimed by mikhale

15. Zombie!Pastor Jim.

16. Severed hand comes to life, just like in Evil Dead. claimed by kellifer_fic

17. Hansel and Gretel take-off of a child-eating witch luring kids/teens inside on Halloween night. Bonus points for Sammy in a cage. claimed by ignipes

18. The Witching Hour of Nightmares: a witch takes control of either Sam or Dean's dreams and threatens his life as he sleeps. The unaffected one has to find out what happened in time to save his brother. claimed by estrella30

19. Sam taking some trick-or-treaters out because of some big nasty, and being hurt, while Dean has to comfort him afterwards. (Hurt/comfort) claimed by thinkofaname

20. A mad scientist decides he wants to create the perfect hunter, and he thinks he's found the perfect brain: Dean's. (Gen, humorous, though you can write it in a horror way if you want) claimed by innie_darling

21. The boys find themselves in a town where the children are evil, just like Children of the Corn. claimed by cathybites

22. The childcatcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is handing out Halloween candy to unsuspecting kids. (Bonus points if you can make this genuinely creepy and not just crackfic.) claimed by wenchpixie

23. Every year, on the last weekend of October, a small Midwest town is the site of a role-player convention: geeks, goths, phreaks and just plain weirdos get together to play vampire for three days straight. This year, however, something truly evil is attending, and it's got a plan for world domination and a nasty sense of humor. Dean and Sam are the fake fang-wearing set's only hope, though whether they choose to save these nutcases is entirely up to you. claimed by ankhesenamen12

I Feel Like One of the Blues Brothers: Costumes

24. John in a totally embarrassing costume. claimed by rip_67

25. People begin turning into their Halloween costumes. claimed by kellifer_fic

26. Sam and Dean go on an 'undercover' job at a Halloween costume party dressed as Sonny and Cher. claimed by alchemyonfire

27. Dean loses a bet and dresses as Tinkerbelle. Fairy jokes abound. claimed by crazywritinfool

28. Costume porn (of any variety). claimed by rip_67

29. Dean's and/or Sam's more favorite Halloween costume ever. claimed by medicinal_mirth

30. Dean's and/or Sam's least favorite Halloween costume ever.

31. Dean and Sammy go trick-or-treating, and Dean dresses up as John.

32. The boys' Halloween costumes through the years. claimed by _bellacosity

33. Those few times Sam and/or Dean got John to dress up for Halloween.

34. Dean and Sam discover that in the demon world's version of Halloween, demons dress up as Winchesters to scare the crap out of each other.

35. Wee!Sam wants an elaborate Halloween costume, but John says they can't afford one, so Dean learns how to sew and makes Sam a costume. claimed by 1shotjunkie

36. All the kids have to come in costume for the kindergarten costume parade, and wee!Sammy doesn't want to be the only one not dressed up. John, too busy with a hunt, doesn't want to make him one, so Dean steps up to the plate. claimed by lady_octavia

37. The year after Mary's death, John's not up to it, but Dean decides little Sammy needs a Halloween and dresses the both of them up using stuff he finds around the motel. claimed by halfshellvenus

38. Mary is six months pregnant with Dean and can't find a Halloween costume that fits for a party that she and John are invited to, so she gets creative. Somehow, John ends up going in a dress.

39. Someone tells Sammy that on Halloween you dress up as your hero or someone you want to be, so he tries to dress up as Dean. claimed by crazywritinfool

40. Wee!Dean goes trick-or-treating dressed as a fireman (or, fireboy). claimed by mellaithwen

41. Sammy doesn't care what he dresses up as Halloween when he's growing up, so Dean gets really creative picking out his costumes. claimed by clex_monkie89

42. Dean has to dress in drag to stop an incubus at a Halloween party in a gay bar. Not surprisingly, he's a hit in fishnets and heels. claimed by technosage

43. The boys win either a costume contest or a pumpkin-carving contest, and the prize has bad results (funny or scary or whatever if you want).

44. Sam and Dean watch kids trick-or-treat, judging costumes on accuracy. claimed by expastic

45. Several ghosts decide to dress as humans for Halloween

46. Sam and Dean have to crash a masquerade party because a monster is hiding inside in plain view. They don't have time to grab costumes, but everyone thinks they're each wearing one anyway, complete with props. ("Hey! Great fake knife, where'd you get it?")

47. Someone's costume or behavior is so authentic that the boys think they've got a demon to kill. Extra attention paid to the kid after the boys go after him/her.

Let Me See Your Gourd: Pumpkins

48. Sammy carves a jack-o'-lantern. Some of the older kids in the neighborhood smash it. Dean finds out who did it, and he's not happy.

49. Sam, Dean and John goes searching for the bestest pumpkins to become their jack-o'-lanterns for the annual 'Winchester Carving Contest'. claimed by ignipes

50. There's a scary man-eating pumpkin on the loose. Or, you know, sitting there eating whatever happens to wander nearby. claimed by _elvie

51. Sam makes Dean watch It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!

52. Sam and Dean go on the search for the Great Pumpkin. claimed by dotfic

53. Dean turns into a pumpkin. claimed by embroiderama

54. One of the boys is scared of pumpkins ('cause they have a face).

55. Cinderella's godmother comes and turns a pumpkin into the Metallicar. claimed by impertinence

You Were One Funny-Looking Kid: When the Winchesters Were Young

56. Dean's first Halloween. Points if he's dressed in one of those adorable baby costumes like peas-in-a-pod or a tootsie roll or something.

57. John and Mary's first Halloween together.

58. Almost a year after the fire, Mike tries to contact his old friend John Winchester.

59. Wee!Dean and Wee!Sam are invited to their first boy/girl Halloween party. (Bonus points for playing 'bob for apples' and Sammy wins.)

60. Dean finds out Sammy's new classmates didn't give him any Halloween cards, so he makes a bunch and sneaks them into Sammy's desk at school. Sam doesn't find out he did it until after Stanford. claimed by lady_octavia

61. The Winchesters move into a town where Halloween isn't celebrated thanks to the town's uptight minister. The boys end up throwing a retaliatory Halloween party at their house, and it causes a lot of trouble.

62. It's Mischief Night in rural PA where the Winchesters are holed up, and a teenage Dean gets caught up to his neck in grave trouble -- literally. He gets hauled in by the cops and he has to explain to John and the police at the same time just why he was digging up a grave. claimed by lonetread

63. A young Sammy goes with friends to a haunted house. He gets scared by one of the actors, and instead of running like any other kid, he gets out the rock salt and holy water. Dean ends up having to come get him after he disrupts the house, and has to apologize to the actor who is soaking wet with salt in his eyes. claimed by clex_monkie89

64. Dean gets invited to/decides to crash a high school or college costume party. He either has to or wants to take Sam along, but although Sam is huge, he still looks too young to be there, so his costume has to have a mask. Then, of course, he ends up being a hit with the ladies -- either to Dean's pleasant surprise or dismay.

65. Left behind on Halloween weekend at an elderly neighbor's house when John goes on a hunt, little Dean and little Sammy pair up to fight a little monster (which turns out to be a brownie).

66. Wee!Sam is kidnapped and replaced by a pod person. Dean and John are immediately suspicious because pod!Sam is acting too perfect.

67. Sammy has to tell his class a scary story, so he tells them about one of John's jobs.

68. Dean and/or Sam goes to a high school Halloween party in which all of the usual party games (a Ouija board, "light as a feather", etc.) go haywire for some reason.

69. Dean goes out with the goth girl at school because everybody keeps saying she's planning to do something evil that night. It turns out she's trying to stop the cheerleaders from raising the dead or something. claimed by medie

70. Halloween was Mary's favorite holiday, and she threw a huge Halloween party a few days before her death. claimed by quellefromage

71. Dean and Sammy read in some of John's research that on Halloween the dead can revisit the living. They spend the entire night waiting for their mom. claimed by amara_m

72. Sam and Dean at a "Halloween Party" that consists of a bunch of teens sitting around drinking and watching "scary movies." Sam and Dean won't shut up during the movies, and they piss everyone off by continuously commenting on how "fake" they are and how "that wouldn't happen."

73. Flashbacks to John Winchester's childhood Halloween memories during his first Halloween after Mary's death.

74. Dean and Sammy try to exorcise the elderly neighbor passing out apples.

75. Dean and Sam find out they're about to move out of town the weekend after Halloween and take advantage of the situation to play a massive trick on the school principal at his house. One problem -- John decides at the last minute (after the prank is played) that they'll stay in town another month or two.

76. Teen Sammy wants to go to a Halloween dance but John forbids it. A rebellious Sam gets his hands on a costume, sneaks out of the house but Dean is surprised by the sight of Sam fleeing from the house and, thinking he's a creature, shoots him and injures him in some way. claimed by embroiderama

77. Sam and Dean are at a school Halloween dance, keeping watch on the supernatural activity, and a tarot reading tent spells frightening trouble for Sam when his terrifying future is revealed. Extra points for an angry, overprotective Dean barging in and giving the tarot reader a reading of his own, Dean-style.

78. Teen Dean mistakes teen Sam's date (in Vamp Halloween dress) for a vampire attacking his brother and shoots her. The boys panic and try to repair the damage.

Don't Eat It All In One Night: Trick-Or-Treating

79. Teenage Dean chaperones Sammy and friends on a trick-or-treating outing.

80. Wee!Sammy gets freaked out by trick-or-treaters turning up at the door. (Shoot them Daddy!) claimed by siberian_skys

81. A young Dean is left home alone on Halloween to watch Sammy while John's on a hunt. When trick-or-treaters arrive, he mistakes them for actual monsters. John comes home early to find that Dean's taken additional "precautions" to protect him and his brother; in addition to the normal salt and shotgun routine, he's rigged the house like a giant bobby-trap.

82. Kindergartener Sammy asks to go trick-or-treating with a little girl from his class, only for Dean and John to realize the little girl's family are all monsters of some sort.

83. A spell turns John into a little boy on Halloween. Sam needs to do research to find out to fix it, and John throws a tantrum and demands Dean take him trick-or-treating. claimed by mrscutedean

84. John takes Dean and Sammy trick-or-treating in the mall. (No houses near them, gated apartments, whatever).

85. Young Dean takes wee!Sam trick-or-treating against John's orders and loses him amongst the trick-or-treaters. claimed by quarterturn

86. Dean and Sammy organize all of the trick-or-treaters to fight a monster.

87. John uses trick-or-treating as a training session -- timing their tour through the neighborhood, seeing if they can con people into giving them more candy, getting them to actually try and scare the people answering their doors, etc. claimed by pheebs1

88. Wee!Winchesters meet a child ghost who's unhappy because it wants to go trick-or-treating again.

89. An accident with some cultists makes a group of innocent trick-or-treaters turn into dragons, and of course the Winchesters have to fix it.

90. The boys go after a trick-or-treating ghost whose tricks are actually killing people.

91. The Five Halloween Trick-or-treat monsters Dean didn't face as a child. claimed by halfshellvenus

92. A werewolf or Black Dog is attacking trick-or-treaters.

93. John takes the boys trick-or-treating and meets a woman who reminds him uncannily of Mary

94. Dean and Sammy eat all the candy before the trick-or-treaters arrive. When they do, they start passing out various household items -- kitchen utensils, packets of salt, magical charms, etc. claimed by luvjlb

95. Futurefic in which either or both of the boys take their kids trick-or-treating. Bonus points if Dean takes Sam's kids trick-or-treating and brings them back full of candy and stories about that monster Uncle Dean shot, Daddy, you should have seen it, it was awesome! claimed by gekizetsu

96. Dean is turned into a kid on Halloween -- spell, curse, whatever -- and adult Sam has to take him trick-or-treating. claimed by krisomniac

97. Sam is turned into a kid on Halloween, and adult Dean has to take him trick-or-treating. claimed by jassy3399

They Call Me Mr. Tinkertrain: Candy

98. John eats some of Sammy's Halloween candy and begins acting like a fourteen-year-old.

100. Sammy = chubby twelve-year-old + Halloween candy. (This would be before the growth spurt, I warrant.)

101. Dean and Sammy sort through their candy, trade to get the stuff they like, and throw out the crap. Bonus if they give John all of one particular candy because they know he likes it, and he's genuinely grateful. claimed by lonetread

102. John's on a hunt and the boys run out of money and food. With no other option, the pair dress up and go door-to-door trick-or-treating. When John comes home, he finds them in bed with stomachaches because all they've eaten is candy for a day and a half. claimed by trollprincess

103. One of Sam's little friends gets sick/injured from something a guy on their trick-or-treat route gave him, and teenaged Dean is so pissed off and freaked that it could have been Sammy that he goes back to show that jerk what a real ghoul looks like. An honest-to-God ghoul. Points for Dean ghoul-wrangling, luring it along and so on. With Sammy's help.

104. Something with marshmallow peeps, because they're creepy and you can bite their heads off, especially the chicken ones. claimed by way2busymom

105. Sam and Dean (as adults) eat some bad candy (enchanted or drugged) and end up having hallucinations of some kind; maybe Dean hallucinates that Sam is a baddie, or Sam sees Jess on the ceiling again, or they both hallucinate that normal people are monsters. They have to try to keep each other and themselves from hurting anyone. claimed by muffaletta

106. Sam and Dean ponder the eternal question: "If you were a piece of candy, what kind of candy would you be?" They apply this question to themselves as well as to John, Pastor Jim, Caleb, Missouri, Bobby, etc. claimed by 1shotjunkie

Don't Go Into the Basement: Haunted Houses, Trails, Castles and Corn Mazes

107. The boys get trapped in a haunted house and have to stick it out with very limited ammo. claimed by the_viper_room

108. The actors on a local haunted trail are getting a little too into character, and people are disappearing. (Could be a supernatural being or human serial killer.) claimed by obeetaybee

109. The boys are investigating a farm where people keep vanishing in an elaborate corn maze. They themselves get lost, and end up having to deal with a malicious spirit that's been taking unwitting revelers as sacrifice to the harvest. claimed by wynter_rebel

110. The boys have to spend the night in a haunted house/castle, where they battle with enchanted armor, follow secret passageways and possibly do some chandelier-swinging. With swords. claimed by sanyin

111. Dean and Sam put together their own version of a Halloween haunted house. You know -- your goofy neighbor down the street would play spooky music and make you stick your hand in a bowl of peeled grapes he'd tell you were eyeballs? Preferably when they're older and on the road, just the two of them, like they finish a hunt in a town around Halloween, decide to stick around for a break and help the local school/church/whatever put together a kickass haunted house.

112. Little Sammy's friends drag him to a haunted house, and he isn't scared, but he does critique everything that was got wrong.

113. A spell or something happens to a fake Haunted House (with the creepy costumes and stuff) and everything becomes real (that guy with the chainsaw? he becomes a real freak with a real chainsaw, etc.)

114. Set during Sam's college years. Sam needs a job to help with apartment expenses so, on a dare from a friend, he signs up to work in a haunted house. Only this haunted house might not be so fake. (Gen or Sam/Jess het.) claimed by medie

115. The boys investigate a haunted house of mirrors and meet typical horror movie versions of themselves wandering about: vampire!Dean and wolfman!Sam (c'mon, it's the hair), or they meet themselves as girls, whatever works.

116. Teenaged Dean and Sammy decide to build a "haunted house" in the backyard of the house they're renting and sell tickets for extra cash. It terrifies all the neighborhood kids, and the parents complain to John. claimed by thearchpoet

117. The Winchesters visit a haunted house but get caught inside a mishmash of bad Halloween/horror movies: bugs boiling out of toilets, zombies, possession, you name it.

Does She Know About the Things You've Done? Sam/Jess

118. Sam and Jess met on his first Halloween at school.

119. Sam goes back to Stanford one Halloween and encounters Jess' ghost. claimed by luvjlb

120. More from the Pilot's Sam/Jess Halloween party.

121. The first Halloween after they start dating, Jess wears a sexy costume and tries to persuade Sam to put on a costume with a striptease.

122. Sam tells Jess he has a very serious reason for not liking Halloween when actually it's something silly and embarrassing.

123. Sam thinks he's being haunted by Jess one Halloween. Whether it's true or he's just wallowing in guilt is up to you. claimed by mcee

124. Jess teaches Sam how to carve pumpkins.

You're My Brother, Man: Wincest

125. Dean steals candy from a trick-or-treater but it winds up being drugged and he gets horny for Sam. (Wincest please.) claimed by beanside

126. It's said that if you peel an apple on Halloween, the length of the continuous peel will tell you how long you have to live. Sam decides to try. (Wincest and food porn would be great here.) claimed by medicinal_mirth

127. Sam goes to a Halloween party his first year at Stanford and gets dragged off by a guy in a mask who makes out with him. He discovers it's Dean, and the making-out continues with a vengeance. claimed by estrella30

128. Thanks to a mistake on a hunt, Dean spends the entirety of one Halloween with wings. Thanks to the holiday, he's free to walk the streets. (Bonus points for Wincest.) claimed by gekizetsu

129. Sam refuses to wear costumes for Halloween at Stanford because that was foreplay for him and Dean.

130. Five times Sam and Dean get lucky on Halloween (but not all of those with each other). claimed by mcee

131. Sam and Dean go to a Goth club hunting an incubus or succubus or whatever suits your story on Halloween, bonus points for eyeliner, skirts, and in-costume sex and affectionate/sexual use of "pretty". claimed by siberian_skys

132. John's on a hunt, leaving the boys alone on Halloween. Something's going on in their latest town, and a teenage Sam has to perform his first exorcism with Dean, but it doesn't go as planned. (Bonus points for some Wincest.)

Same Thing We Do Every Year, Pinky: Halloween Traditions

133. Dean loves Halloween; it makes it much easier to carry round all his weaponry.

134. Sam and Dean take Halloween off, due to lack of paranormal activity. claimed by lyra_wing

135. A derivative from trollprincesses story "Down the Line from Nowhere," in which Sam and Dean play a drinking game while observing a 'Paranormal Society' meeting - bullshit gets a sip, them getting it right means you chug: Sam and Dean play the Winchester drinking game while watching the kids trick-or-treat and/or giving out candy. claimed by kimonkey7

136. Halloween was originally a fire festival, and in the spirit of things, Dean decides to burn some stuff damaged beyond repair from the year's hunting. claimed by kimonkey7

137. The boys end up down in Mexico for Los Dias de los Muertos. Sam takes a few moments to create a makeshift altar for Jess and Mom. claimed by regala_electra

138. Dean loves Halloween so much he can get a little extreme, which is why Sam hates it. claimed by kashmir1

139. Why Sam really hates Halloween. (Bonus points for hurt!Dean hurt/comfort.) claimed by quellefromage

140. Four Halloweens the Winchester boys never had, and one they did. claimed by wilwarin1

141. Stanford used to have a Halloween party every year at the Stanford family mausoleum, but stopped in 2001 to keep the mausoleum from deteriorating. His first Halloween at Stanford, Sam discovers there's a more sinister supernatural explanation for the cancellation.

142. Every Halloween, Sam gets pranked by Dean. He doesn't expect to when he goes to college, but the tradition continues. claimed by aerynvala

143. Sam hates Halloween because every year something always attacks him. claimed by kueble

144. The Winchesters are living in a Mexican neighborhood in Arizona and encounter the traditions associated with Los Dias de los Muertos. claimed by technosage

145. Every Halloween, Dean is hit by the same recycling curse. He turns into a girl, he develops a supernatural ability for twenty-four hours, his skin turns green ... whatever. claimed by sanyin

I Can't Think of a Clever Name for this Category: Miscellaneous

146. All the extra paranormal activity causes Sam to go bat-shit insane. claimed by kayim

147. Dean's first Halloween without John or Sam, in Boston. claimed by regala_electra

148. Sam and Dean spend Halloween night at a graveyard, waiting to see if a recently buried vamp victim wakes up as a vampire. claimed by mellaithwen

149. A children's Halloween book comes to life.

150. Sam and Dean end up in a small backwater town. Sam has a vision in public or is put in a situation where he's endangered or Dean is in trouble and he has to move something with his mind. The vision comes true or people see him moving things, and they accuse him of witchcraft. They have to find a way to defuse the situation or get out of there before Sam gets burned at the stake.

151. A rash of pumpkinfucking incidents plague an innocent small town. claimed by way2busymom

152. Sam gets stuck in a nightmare and Dean has to go in to guide him back to consciousness. claimed by audrarose

153. Dean or Sam (or both) have a repeating day on Halloween, where they just keep living the same day over and over again until they do the one right thing differently. claimed by storydivagirl

154. The boys are on a routine salt-and-burn job in a graveyard on Halloween, and as they dig, they talk about Winchester Halloweens past. Bonus points for adorably embarrassing wee!Sam moments from Dean. claimed by charli_macboyd

155. Dean and Sam kill time one jobless Halloween mocking horror movies for their inaccuracies. claimed by charli_macboyd

156. Dean hooks with a cute chick dressed as a ghost, only to find out she is a ghost. (Extra points for healing ghost sex.)

157. Dean loses his virginity on Halloween, and not to a human girl. (Succubus, witch, whatever doesn't matter.) claimed by amethyste5

158. A small town sacrifices the newest resident every Halloween to a demon. Thanks to a flat tire during the move into town, John fills the requirement and gets taken. Dean and Sam have to save him. claimed by dodger_winslow

159. The only one left, Dean as an old man is haunted every Halloween by those he's lost. claimed by curtain__call

160. SPN/GA crossover. Izzie's seeing Denny's ghost and hears about a family who might be able to help. The Winchesters (including John) show up, and all hell breaks loose. claimed by beanside

161. At a Halloween Zombie Lurch, Sam and Dean have to sort through a parade of zombie-acting humans to destroy some actual zombies. claimed by deadspeaker

162. Demons in Jess and Mary's forms taunt and haunt the boys one Halloween. Much angst and sadness ensue when they are forced to end the women they love. claimed by pixel_0

163. John disappears two days before Halloween. claimed by ishafel

164. Dean on Halloween, 2005, the day that led up to him breaking into Sam's apartment in Palo Alto. claimed by mikhale

165. The Winchesters in Detroit for Devil's Night, trying to finish a hunt among the chaos. claimed by estei

166. Sixth Sense: Sam can see Dead People. It pisses Dean off. Continue. claimed by halfdutch

167. A reanimated severed ear/nose/other not particularly scary body part is causing some trouble at a Halloween party the boys are attending. claimed by jainadurron

168. The boys patrol a local neighborhood on Halloween night, nonchalantly salting, burning and exorcising the real spirits, demons etc, keeping it safe for all the wee kids out trick-or-treating. claimed by caithream

169. Local kids dare each other to stay all night in the cemetery/haunted house/whatever; Sam and/or Dean have to save them from whatever is haunting the spot.

170. Sam's "Five Reasons for Hating Halloween." claimed by alchemyonfire

171. Sam and Dean get trapped in a library/bookstore where the characters in the books start coming to life. They get in a bit of trouble with the horror section. Bonus if Dean has a heroine from a romance novel sighing over him. claimed by lovetheboys

172. The Impala is egged as a Halloween prank. Dean is determined to get revenge. claimed by thinkofaname

173. Thanks to a Halloween salt-and-burn gone awry, the Impala is haunted by a spirit with a sense of humor. claimed by trollprincess

174. The boys discover that the Halloween decorations on the house down the street -- skeletons, tombstones, severed limbs, etc. -- are actually real and pay their neighbor a visit to investigate.

175. Frustrated by the stupidity of kids and teens on Halloween night, Sam and Dean give a group of hapless trick-or-treaters a lesson in how to survive the spookiest night of the year. claimed by thearchpoet


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