The Only Boy in the Room

Jul 25, 2013 00:04

Title: The Only Boy in the Room
Artist: geckoholic
Author: nagi_schwarz
Warnings: Some dialogue straight from 4x10, underager working as a temp in the sex industry (but no prostitution), show-level violence, OFCs, OMCs, spoilers up through 8x01 (if anyone hasn't seen season 8), gratuitous use of technical dance terms.
Word Count: ~50,000

Summary: the story of Sam ( Read more... )

season:pre-series, character:jessica, season:4, pre-series:teen!chesters, season:1, season:6, pre-series:stanford-era, character:originals, character:pastor jim

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Comments 10

amberdreams July 25 2013, 09:24:46 UTC
Sounds like a crazy idea that just might work!


nagi_schwarz July 25 2013, 13:46:49 UTC
...I could not figure out how to write a summary of this story that didn't make it sound like an utter crack!fic, which it's not, despite the basic premise that Sam is a dancer. I hope it works. :3


amberdreams July 25 2013, 14:17:34 UTC
I've just started reading - I was not expecting belly dancing! But I'm liking it so far...


nagi_schwarz July 25 2013, 14:26:00 UTC
Belly dancing. It's kind of like the Spanish Inquisition whenever males are involved...


catsintheattic July 25 2013, 11:31:15 UTC
I'd love to read your story. Would you happen to have a PDF or AO3 link?

Thanks in advance!


nagi_schwarz July 25 2013, 13:45:52 UTC
I don't have an AO3 account, and I haven't had a chance to throw together a PDF yet because I am in the middle of moving. a couple of weeks I'll have a PDF, but while my life is in boxes LJ is all I have. Thanks!


catsintheattic July 25 2013, 15:41:36 UTC
You're completely awesome just for posting in the middle of moving! Good luck with unpacking all the boxes.

And I'll patiently wait for the PDF. :-)


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