The Only Boy in the Room

Jul 25, 2013 00:04

Title: The Only Boy in the Room
Artist: geckoholic
Author: nagi_schwarz
Warnings: Some dialogue straight from 4x10, underager working as a temp in the sex industry (but no prostitution), show-level violence, OFCs, OMCs, spoilers up through 8x01 (if anyone hasn't seen season 8), gratuitous use of technical dance terms.
Word Count: ~50,000

Summary: the story of Sam Winchester, his secret hobby, and his quest to find something that's his - not Dad, not hunting, just his. When he was twelve, another hunter taught him to dance, and it was surprisingly fun (and handy in a fight). When he was thirty, his brother disappeared and his world collapsed around his ears, and he fumbled to reclaim the one thing in his life that kept him centered. This is the story of both of those facets of Sam, and some of the facets - and people - who came in between.
Notes: Super thanks to geckoholic for the amazing artwork and support, and from jmsabat for being a beta, for my girl E for helping me come up with a title. As always, epic thanks to reapertownusa for organizing and hosting this lovely party.

Story Master Post | Art Master Post

season:pre-series, character:jessica, season:4, pre-series:teen!chesters, season:1, season:6, pre-series:stanford-era, character:originals, character:pastor jim

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