Team YEK: Another Five Dean Builds Furniture Drabbles

Apr 03, 2013 21:09

Title: Dean Builds Furniture (Part 3)
Rating: PG
Author: mandraco
Disclaimer: This is fanfiction. I didn't invent these characters or settings. I just glued them together.
Genre: Gen
Wordcount: 5x100
Characters/Pairings: Dean, Sam
Spoilers: Up to 8x13.

Author's Note: These are dedicated to sameuspegasus because she's awesome and also, she gave me ideas. The first ( Read more... )

rating: pg, march madness drabble fest, dean, sam, fic: gen, drabbles, author:mandraco, team yek

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Comments 14

blackrabbit42 April 3 2013, 12:45:49 UTC
I want that dollhouse!!



mandraco April 4 2013, 00:50:09 UTC
I was actually going to draw it, but I got lazy. I realised that even a four room dollhouse was going to need a lot of furniture. I don't know how Dean made it so quickly! Lol.


cuddyclothes April 3 2013, 15:07:40 UTC
My favorites are the tiny wooden Dean and Sam! This series is fun, and so creative.

Note: Wouldn't making an easy chair involve upholstery? Or is it like an Adirondack chair? I spend too much time thinking about this stuff.


mandraco April 4 2013, 00:51:46 UTC
Well, Dean's not up to upholstery yet, but I think he'll get there at some point.

And no worries, I think about things like that, too, so I went and googled "wood easy chair" and got some results so I figured if the Internet could do it, so could Dean.

... )


sameuspegasus April 3 2013, 19:50:55 UTC
Yay! Dollhouse!

Garden furniture! I look forward to Sam creating a garden in an undeerground bunker. Dean builds a garden shed inside (except that isn't furniture).

F is for furniture for the dollhouse...


mandraco April 4 2013, 01:02:32 UTC
Lol. A garden shed in an underground bunker!

Actually, I don't think "dollhouse furniture" is in Dean's book. He thought that one up all on his lonesome. Or, y'know, with help from you. (That's how he gets around it not being in alphabetical order.)


brightly_lit April 3 2013, 20:56:31 UTC
Futon, footstool, four-poster bed ... I love it!!


mandraco April 4 2013, 01:02:48 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed. =)


strgazr04 April 4 2013, 06:01:04 UTC
"Sam wanted to be upset when the dollhouse appeared, but the tiny wooden Sam and Dean were too adorable."

Oh these boys...

I absolutely love this verse!


mandraco April 4 2013, 08:17:56 UTC
Thanks! ♥

There'll be more up in a little bit.


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