Team YEK: Another Five Dean Builds Furniture Drabbles

Apr 03, 2013 21:09

Title: Dean Builds Furniture (Part 3)
Rating: PG
Author: mandraco
Disclaimer: This is fanfiction. I didn't invent these characters or settings. I just glued them together.
Genre: Gen
Wordcount: 5x100
Characters/Pairings: Dean, Sam
Spoilers: Up to 8x13.

Author's Note: These are dedicated to sameuspegasus because she's awesome and also, she gave me ideas. The first ( Read more... )

rating: pg, march madness drabble fest, dean, sam, fic: gen, drabbles, author:mandraco, team yek

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Comments 14

randomstasis April 4 2013, 09:13:21 UTC
"If you really wanted to make it up to me, you'd build something that didn't start with an F."
Sam wanted to be upset when the dollhouse appeared, but the tiny wooden Sam and Dean were too adorable."

eek! now they're just getting silly. ROFL!

But I do wonder what Sammy will do for a garden..high-density hydroponics? (or should he start with xeriscaping, just to be contrary?)


mandraco April 4 2013, 09:55:39 UTC
They're only getting silly now? I thought they started out that way. =)

I have to admit, I totally copped out with Sam's garden. Which you can read about here:


tifaching April 4 2013, 23:26:37 UTC
You are a genius. That is all.


mandraco April 4 2013, 23:52:52 UTC
Thank you. That is all. =)


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