Crowley's Christmas Fic Exchange: A Crowley Carol for Midnightsilvers

Jan 02, 2022 14:00

Title: A Crowley Carol
Author: ellerkay
Characters: Crowley, Rowena, Castiel, Donna, Sam, Dean, Jack, Death, Jody
Rating: R/Mature
Genre: Gen, Humor
Word Count: ~5250
Disclaimer: All for fun, none for profit.
Summary: It’s “A Christmas Carol” and Crowley is Scrooge! He is NOT happy about it.
Warnings/tags: Swearing, alcohol (including alcohol drunk by ( Read more... )

fic: gen, crowleys christmas, author:ellerkay

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Comments 12

Comment 1 of 3 midnightsilvers January 2 2022, 16:14:51 UTC
ellerkay holy moly my friend! You knocked this out of the fucking park! This is absolutely amazing! I’m so totally charmed and incredibly delighted! Thank you so much my friend this is a wonderful gift. I laughed so much!
I hope LJ doesn’t have a word limit on comments because this is going to be a long one! (Edit lol this is comment 1 of 3 since LJ does have a limit 😂)
I did a reaction as I went along and practically every line had me laughing or marvelling. It’s so good! 🙌🏼🤗
-Rowena was dead: to begin with. - I was like: starting off with a bang! Good start! Then my overworked brain cells knocked politely on the command room door of my mind and whispered: that’s the start to the book you moron! (Well in my defence, I don’t think I haven’t read the actual book since school, it’s all been movie adaptations since then, but for everyone else reading who isn’t illiterate, they all very much immediately appreciated your authenticity!! 😁)
-And then he’d balled that hand into a fist, wiped the tear away with a red silk handkerchief, poured ( ... )


Comment 2 of 3 midnightsilvers January 2 2022, 16:16:09 UTC
-Fergus gave a slow blink and touched his coat-pocket. In it, Crowley well knew, was a small wooden boat, meant as a gift for the child. He’d stitched the sail himself from spare cloth. - oh he had made a toy but couldn’t hand it over! 😭 I love that he was moved to actually make something. I hate that he couldn’t bring himself to actually give it 😭
-Fergus drained his glass and poured another, his expression angry and miserable. - and I love that you show us that even then he was tormented by it!
-You and Rowena both wanted to love your children, and yet you were afraid to. - yes. This. a keen observation!
-“This is Christmas, 2010,” Castiel said.
“I bloody know when it is, you angelic fucker. It wasn’t that long ago.” 😂 I’m loving this so much! the sass and the banter! I’m watching this play out in my head and it’s fabulous! 😁🙌🏼
- “So.” 2010 Crowley tapped the bottle. “You get Craig, as a token of my very mild respect, - this is so perfectly wonderfully Crowley! He is occasionally moved to do something decent but always has to ( ... )


Comment 3 of 3 midnightsilvers January 2 2022, 16:17:09 UTC
- “Happy fucking Christmas,” Crowley said - I love that he is still blood Crowley after all 😁🤗 don’t have to have a lobotomy just because it’s Christmas 😁👍🏻
(-And you were there,” he straightened up to point at Castiel, who tilted his head in confusion, “and you were there.” - lol 😂 wizard of Oz 😂😂)
-He pointed at Jody. “You - sorry for the time I nearly killed you.” - awwwwww! He got to apologise for that! Brilliant! Thank you 🤗🤗
-not only did I almost die on that bathroom floor, but you left me with the check.” - stop! My sides are hurting from laughing 😂😂😂
-“If she can’t help you save the whippersnapper, I’ll eat my own naughty bits.” - almost redundant to say so again, but that’s another great Crowley line! Your characterisation and voice is just spot on throughout 🤗🤗
- “It was nothing,” Crowley said. “Just saving my own skin.”
“I don’t think that’s true,” Jack replied thoughtfully. - Jack is such a bright nougat boy 🤗 he is good for Crowley 🤗
-“Maybe I could call you Uncle Crowley ( ... )


RE: Comment 3 of 3 ellerkay January 2 2022, 16:50:15 UTC
:DDDDDDD (imagine infinite happy faces/heart eye emojis here, lol) You are SO VERY welcome; I'm over the moon that you loved this!! Thank YOU for the absolutely amazing, genius prompt - there were so many good ones I was thinking about claiming as I read everyone's ideas, but the second I saw that my brain basically stuttered to a stop and went "THIS. THIS IS THE ONE I MUST WRITE." XD As I told you, this was an absolute joy to write; I had so much fun the whole time ( ... )


fledge January 7 2022, 11:24:15 UTC
This is an absolute riot of a story, and yet so true to the characters *and* the original Christmas Carol, and the way Crowley reacts to everything is so poignant and believable and spot-on with all his reluctant belly aching and his wickedly suave humour and doing his best to convince everyone that he's only interested in saving his own skin. A masterpiece, I love it! Some of my favourite bits which made me laugh out loud:

Nephilim pox 😂

“I am the Ghost of Christmas Past,” droned Castiel.
“No, you’re fucking not,” Crowley said. “Go away.”

“You get Craig, as a token of my very mild respect, and because I will burn my bones myself if I have to see you drink any more of that piss you normally imbibe. Season’s greetings ( ... )


ellerkay January 20 2022, 14:51:45 UTC
I apologize that I've let this comment sit unreplied to for much long than I intended, but, belatedly, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I was having a lousy week when you left this and it really brightened my day. Re-reading it has brightened today, too. Thank you extra for letting me know some of your favorite lines; that's always incredibly gratifying. You're THE BEST. :D

P.S. I'm glad you liked "nephilim pox." XD Bonus joke!


fledge January 22 2022, 17:40:15 UTC
Aww, you're so welcome! Glad I could help brighten up your week. Re-reading my favourite lines just now has brought a smile to my face once again :D


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