DEW Drabble: Honey, Sweetheart, Sugar

Mar 14, 2020 12:40

Title: Honey, Sweetheart, Sugar
Characters: Original character, Cas and Jack
Word Count: 100
Rating: pg
Summary: Lucy’s never come across such a socially awkward yet adorable pair before.
Prompt: Written for this prompt on spn_bigpretzel DEW - special challenge: Write a drabble from an outsider point of view...

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jack, drabble, fic: gen, dew, rating: pg, castiel, author:jj1564

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Comments 9

sandy79 March 14 2020, 13:55:35 UTC
Awww, that's indeed sweet! And I so can see a scene like that happen. Thanks for sharing, dear!


jj1564 March 14 2020, 22:46:10 UTC
Thanks so much, what a lovely comment, I'd love to see a scene like this!


kiramaru7 March 14 2020, 14:52:42 UTC
Awe... *dies from the cuteness*


jj1564 March 14 2020, 22:46:38 UTC
Thank you, I was hoping for extreme cuteness!


kiramaru7 March 14 2020, 23:03:02 UTC
You're welcome! I definitely nailed the extreme cuteness! :D


fanspired March 15 2020, 00:50:25 UTC
Lol :)


jj1564 March 15 2020, 11:14:22 UTC


dizzojay March 15 2020, 18:13:00 UTC
You can see how young Jack can be so confused. It's a good job the waitress wasn't a Londoner and called him 'cock' :D


jj1564 March 16 2020, 11:45:22 UTC
Oh yes, language can be very confusing! He'd probably say 'I do not require a male chicken, thank you'!


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