DEW Drabble: Honey, Sweetheart, Sugar

Mar 14, 2020 12:40

Title: Honey, Sweetheart, Sugar
Characters: Original character, Cas and Jack
Word Count: 100
Rating: pg
Summary: Lucy’s never come across such a socially awkward yet adorable pair before.
Prompt: Written for this prompt on spn_bigpretzel DEW - special challenge: Write a drabble from an outsider point of view...

Lucy’s never come across such a socially awkward yet adorable pair before. They look so much alike, but the kid calls the older guy Cas, not dad, so he must be a brother or uncle.

“I would very much like to order a cheeseburger and fries. And may I please obtain a glass of water?” the kid asks.

“Sure, honey,” Lucy replies.

“No, I do not require any honey,” he says.

“Honey is a term of endearment, Jack, like sweetheart,” Cas explains.

“Oh, right,” Jack smiles at Lucy, “thanks, sweetheart.”

Lucy grins back, “You’re welcome, sugar!”

“But I don’t need…”

jack, drabble, fic: gen, dew, rating: pg, castiel, author:jj1564

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