Team Treat: 3 Drabbles

Oct 25, 2019 11:16

A Trio of Treats written for the spn_bigpretzel Hallowe'en Drabble Challenge

Title: The Cutest Casper
Characters: John, Mary and little Dean
Rating: pg
Word count: 100
Summary: Little Dean gets a lot of treats ( Read more... )

mary, jody, rating: pg, lisa, author:jj1564, dean, weechesters, halloween team drabble challenge, donna, fic: gen, drabbles, team treat, ben, john

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Comments 12

fanspired October 25 2019, 10:46:19 UTC
Cute cute cute :)))


jj1564 October 25 2019, 22:19:01 UTC
Thanks, thanks, thanks!! :)))


tabaqui October 25 2019, 12:18:45 UTC
Awww, I like! :D


jj1564 October 25 2019, 22:19:13 UTC
Aw, thanks so much! :))


ellerkay October 25 2019, 17:11:35 UTC
These are SO CUTE! “One for me, one for baby Sammy…” got me right in the feels. And Dean driving Jack to Jody's and Donna's so he could trick-or-treat was just wonderful. <3


jj1564 October 25 2019, 22:20:52 UTC
“One for me, one for baby Sammy…” got me in the feels, too - I could just imagine tiny Dean doing this for his even tinier brother!

Thanks so much, I'm pleased you liked them. I had to give Jack a chance to trick-or-treat!


dizzojay October 25 2019, 17:35:56 UTC
Aw, three wonderful drabbles that describe our Dean perfectly :)
Thank you!


jj1564 October 25 2019, 22:21:47 UTC
You know what, I never really thought of that! It just shows how my mind gravitates to Dean!

Thanks so much x


tiggeratl1 October 25 2019, 18:53:14 UTC
So many feels!!! :-) :-) :-) I love these like Dean loves Halloween candy!


jj1564 October 25 2019, 22:22:12 UTC
Aw, thanks so much, that's a LOT of love!!!


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