Team Treat: 3 Drabbles

Oct 25, 2019 11:16

A Trio of Treats written for the spn_bigpretzel Hallowe'en Drabble Challenge

Title: The Cutest Casper
Characters: John, Mary and little Dean
Rating: pg
Word count: 100
Summary: Little Dean gets a lot of treats.

Dean was the cutest little Casper ever. John took him around the neighbourhood trick-or-treating, and he was pretty sure Dean ended up with more candy than the other kids. He was a polite little guy and those big green eyes sealed the deal, every time.

“Wow, Dean, you’ve got a lot of candy!” Mary exclaimed when they got home. “You can eat one piece and save the rest...”

“No, Mommy,” he replied, then he tipped his candy onto the table and carefully shared it out. “One for me, one for baby Sammy…”

Mary smiled. “You’re such a good brother, Dean.”

Title: Jack’s Treats
Characters: Jack, Dean, Jody and Donna
Rating: pg
Word count: 100
Summary: Dean decides Jack should go trick-or-treating.

“This is ridiculous,” Jack complained, but he couldn’t stop smiling.
“Every kid should go trick or treating,” Dean replied.
“I’m not exactly a child, Dean,”
“Remind me, how old are you?”
“You know what I mean. And it’s gonna be a long drive.”
“I love driving, not a problem.”

Several hours later…
“Trick or treat!” Jack said brightly, trying not to blush.
“Hold on, hopefully the girls haven’t eaten the candy!” Jodie smiled.

“Trick or treat!” Jack repeated a few hours later.
“Here you go, sweetheart,” Donna grinned, giving Jack a bag of candy. “And I’ve got donuts for Dean…”

Title: Ulterior Motives
Characters: Dean, Ben and Lisa
Rating: pg
Word count: 100
Summary: Dean may have an ulterior motive for helping Ben.

“Well, that’s the scariest pumpkin I’ve ever seen!” Lisa smiled at Ben.

“Yeah, it’s awesome!” Ben grinned. “Dean helped me, Mom, ‘cause he has a real sharp knife.”

Lisa raised an eyebrow at Dean.

“I didn’t let Ben touch it, honest.” Dean explained. “He designed, I cut, he scooped.”

“Dean says I’m gonna win first prize!” Ben’s enthusiasm was infectious.

“Well, I’m sure you will,” Lisa replied, ruffling his hair.

“Mom!” Ben complained, shrugging her off. “C’mon, let’s go!”

“Thanks,” Lisa whispered to Dean as Ben ran off to get ready.

“Well, the prize is all-you-can-eat at Biggersons!” Dean smiled.

mary, jody, rating: pg, lisa, author:jj1564, dean, weechesters, halloween team drabble challenge, donna, fic: gen, drabbles, team treat, ben, john

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