DEW Drabble - Lord of The Drools

Apr 28, 2019 17:09

Title: Lord of the Drools
Characters: Sam and Dean
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100
Summary: Watching the Lord of the Rings Trilogy sounds like fun, but can be pretty tiring!
Prompt: spn_bigpretzel DEW. Characters: Sam and Dean; Theme: Movie Night

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drabble, rating: pg, pie, author:jj1564, dean, sam, fic: gen, dew

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Comments 2

fanspired April 29 2019, 01:02:49 UTC
They must be getting old if they slept through The Two Towers :D


jj1564 April 29 2019, 10:21:57 UTC
Shush, don't say the 'O' word!!!


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