Title: Lord of the Drools
Characters: Sam and Dean
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100
Summary: Watching the Lord of the Rings Trilogy sounds like fun, but can be pretty tiring!
Prompt: spn_bigpretzel DEW. Characters: Sam and Dean; Theme: Movie Night
“C’mon, Dean, it’ll be fun!” Sam whined.
“All three? Really?” Dean answered.
“Well, yeah, that’s what a Lord of The Rings Trilogy marathon implies.”
“Okay, Mr Smartass.”
“What, okay to the marathon?” Sam looked so hopeful Dean couldn’t disappoint him.
“Yeah, but we’ll need supplies. Beer, pizzas, pie...”
“Of course!” Sam grinned at Dean.
“Sammy, wake up!” Dean grumbled. “You’ve drooled onto my head!”
“Wha’? Sorry, Dean,” Sam mumbled, “did we fall asleep?”
“Yeah, I think we got about halfway through The Two Towers,”
“Okay, you find our place, I’ll make coffee.”
“And I’ll need a Samwise-size piece of pie!”