Drabble: Sets Out to Slay

Dec 26, 2018 19:06

Title: Sets Out to Slay
Characters: Jack, Sam, Dean
Rating: G
Genre: Gen
Word Count: 150
Disclaimer: All for fun, none for profit.
Summary: Jack isn't so sure about this Santa Claus character.
Prompt: spn_bigpretzel Drabbles Every Weekend - Theme: A Very Supernatural Christmas ( Read more... )

holiday drabble challenge, drabble, dean, sam, rating: g, jack, fic: gen, drabbles

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Comments 8

jj1564 December 27 2018, 01:02:07 UTC
Aw, Jack is such a sweetie-pie!


ellerkay December 27 2018, 01:07:45 UTC
RIGHT? I love writing that nougat boy. :D


fanspired December 27 2018, 02:26:40 UTC
I think Jack has a point! :D


ellerkay December 27 2018, 02:29:40 UTC
XD Right??


dizzojay December 27 2018, 16:58:38 UTC
Heehee, brilliant - I'm with Jack, there's definitely a dark side to the whole Santa story :D

When I was a little kid, we lived in a ground floor flat in London, and I remember asking my Dad how Father Christmas could get in as we didn't have a chimney, and he said 'Father Christmas has a special key that opens every door in the world'. It creeped me right out!!!! XD


ellerkay December 27 2018, 18:41:22 UTC
HA! I don't blame you for being creeped out. The whole idea is pretty weird. XD


julchen11 December 28 2018, 17:18:07 UTC
Heartwarmingly beautiful. Thank for your this treat, my dear.


ellerkay December 28 2018, 20:37:24 UTC
Thank you very much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. <3


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