Drabble: Sets Out to Slay

Dec 26, 2018 19:06

Title: Sets Out to Slay
Characters: Jack, Sam, Dean
Rating: G
Genre: Gen
Word Count: 150
Disclaimer: All for fun, none for profit.
Summary: Jack isn't so sure about this Santa Claus character.
Prompt: spn_bigpretzel Drabbles Every Weekend - Theme: A Very Supernatural Christmas
A/N: I wanted to write and post drabbles earlier, but the holidays ate my time! I hope you all enjoy them, even though they're belated. The title for this one was taken from The Nightmare Before Christmas "Town Meeting Song;" specifically, the part where Jack Skellington misunderstands Santa Claus.

Also available on my journal or on AO3


“Is Santa Claus evil?” Jack asked, looking up from a Christmas book.

“What?” Sam frowned. “No, of course not.”

“He seems powerful. He must either travel very fast or manipulate time to visit everyone in one night. He can enter people’s houses undetected. And this says he passes judgement on children. The ones who are naughty must be disappointed when they don’t get presents.”

Sam chuckled. “Don’t worry. It’s just a story. Some parents are dicks and use it to keep their kids in line, but they give them presents.”

Jack looked doubtful.

“Tell him about the time we killed Santa,” Dean yelled from the other room.

“Those were pagan gods that liked to dress as Santa!” Sam replied, exasperated.

Jack’s face had relaxed into a relieved smile. “Oh, good,” he said. “I’m so glad you already took care of him. He sounded menacing.”

Sam decided not to correct him.

holiday drabble challenge, drabble, dean, sam, rating: g, jack, fic: gen, drabbles

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