Drabble: Wayward Christmas

Dec 26, 2018 19:15

Title: Wayward Christmas
Pairing: Jody/Donna
Characters: Donna, Jody, Alex, Claire, Patience
Rating: G
Genre: Femslash, fluff
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: All for fun, none for profit.
Summary: Christmas Eve with the Wayward women.
Prompt: Drabbles Every Weekend - Theme: A Very Supernatural Christmas

Also available on my journal or on AO3


“Hot chocolate’s ready,” Alex said cheerfully, bringing in a tray. Patience accepted hers with a smile.

“Is mine peppermint?” Claire demanded.

Alex rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I somehow remembered after the fifty times you told me.”

“Thank you, sweetie,” Donna said, handing a mug to Jody and then taking one for herself. She pulled the blanket tighter around them and rested her head on Jody’s shoulder.

“You have some pretty great girls here,” she said, a little wistfully. Six months living there, and she still felt like an interloper sometimes.

Jody kissed her hair. “We have some pretty great girls.”

fic: slash, holiday drabble challenge, drabble, jody, rating: g, donna, fic: gen, claire novak, drabbles

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