Holiday Challenge - Team Ho Ho Ho - Cream

Dec 21, 2016 23:53

Title: Cream
Author: jj1564
Prompt: Very Big Pretzel Holiday Drabble Challenge - Team Ho Ho Ho
Rating: PG13
Word count: 130 - slightly over the 100, sorry.
Warning/Spoilers: None.
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or its characters, this is just for fun.
Summary: Sam, Dean - and a can of spray cream!

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fic: slash, holiday drabble challenge, drabble, author:jj1564, dean, sam, team ho ho ho, rating: pg-13

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Comments 7

dizzojay December 25 2016, 18:43:57 UTC
It's only a matter of time before one of them wants to write 'dick'.
I wonder where that will go ...?


jj1564 December 28 2016, 15:24:15 UTC
Hmmm, I can't imagine where they could possibly write that!!!


theymp December 26 2016, 08:35:06 UTC
There'll be some red faces and secret winks later when Mary and Castiel ask for cream with their mince pies!


jj1564 December 28 2016, 15:24:34 UTC
Hee hee, I don't think they'll be any left!


kattrip033 January 8 2017, 08:52:25 UTC
Lol. Well that escalated quickly, and not in the was Sam intended.


jj1564 January 9 2017, 15:12:32 UTC
Hee hee, yep, but I'm sure he liked it!


kattrip033 January 11 2017, 08:01:47 UTC
I wouldn't be shocked if this what happens to all the spray cream.


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