Holiday Challenge - Team Ho Ho Ho - Cream

Dec 21, 2016 23:53

Title: Cream
Author: jj1564
Prompt: Very Big Pretzel Holiday Drabble Challenge - Team Ho Ho Ho
Rating: PG13
Word count: 130 - slightly over the 100, sorry.
Warning/Spoilers: None.
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or its characters, this is just for fun.
Summary: Sam, Dean - and a can of spray cream!

Dean entered his bedroom to find Sam naked on the bed, with the words “LICK ME” written on his chest - in cream.

“Merry Christmas, Dean,” Sam smiled.

“Fuuuck, Sammy,” Dean groaned. He was on the bed in seconds, doing just what it said on the skin - he’s always good at following orders. He lapped off the cream, then gave Sam’s nipples a playful nibble.

“Ow, I said lick, not bite!” Sam protested.

“You’re just too tempting,” Dean grinned, adding “my turn,” as he stripped.

Dean squirmed a little as the cold cream hit his skin, then let out an indignant “Hey!” when he read the word “JERK” across his chest. “Oh, game’s on, Sammy!”

He wrestled the spray cream out of Sam’s hands to emblazon “BITCH” across Sam's stomach.

fic: slash, holiday drabble challenge, drabble, author:jj1564, dean, sam, team ho ho ho, rating: pg-13

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