Holiday Drabble Challenge - Team Humbug - Christmas Dinner

Dec 08, 2016 19:30

Title: Christmas Dinner
Prompt: Holiday Drabble Challenge, Team Humbug
Pairing: gen
Author: sinfulslasher
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: Dean is a great cook. Sam? Not so much.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never were, never will be, gosh darn it!
Warning: none ( Read more... )

team humbug, holiday drabble challenge, fic: gen, author:sinfulslasher

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Comments 6

zelda_addict December 9 2016, 06:35:45 UTC
Poor Sam... Poor roast! At least he tried? XD


dizzojay December 9 2016, 08:08:48 UTC
Poor Sam, I feel his pain - that's about the level of my cooking skills!
Author tag set up for you x


milly_gal December 9 2016, 08:10:36 UTC
BOTH arms?!? Poor sod! lol!


jagfanlj December 11 2016, 21:52:44 UTC
Pizza for Christmas is practically Family Tradition for the Winchesters. BOTH arms? omg, poor Dean, he can't even turn the pages of his Busty Asian Beauties! Although, I can picture him stalking Sam with his arms out stretched (as much as he can), playing "Frankenstein."


vexed_wench December 19 2016, 02:24:49 UTC
Poor Sam and that poor poor roast.


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