Holiday Drabble Challenge - Team Humbug - Christmas Dinner

Dec 08, 2016 19:30

Title: Christmas Dinner
Prompt: Holiday Drabble Challenge, Team Humbug
Pairing: gen
Author: sinfulslasher
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: Dean is a great cook. Sam? Not so much.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never were, never will be, gosh darn it!
Warning: none

It was a case of Worst Timing Ever that Dean fell down a flight of stairs and broke both of his arms right before Christmas but really, how difficult could it be to cook a somewhat fancy dinner? All you had to do was throw some food into a pot, add some spices and then stir everything for a couple of hours. Right?

Sam stared in total disbelief at the charred remnants of what once had been a juicy roast, poked it with a knife for good measure, and then went to find his brother.

"So...take-out pizza okay with you?"


ETA: Dearest mods, may I have an author tag, please? I was sure I already had one. *scratches head*

team humbug, holiday drabble challenge, fic: gen, author:sinfulslasher

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