Sam and Dean at the Movies, for TheYmp

Aug 11, 2016 09:00

Title: Sam and Dean at the Movies
Recipient: TheYmp
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1200
Warnings: None
Summary: Written for the prompt: "The brothers are watching a horror film. They're not impressed. Until suddenly they're creeped out." Pretty much exactly that.

Sam and Dean at the Movies

Thursday Night in the Bunker, 8:44 pm:

-OK, I got the popcorn and the beer, you got the flatscreen and you got the movie, right? Let’s do this!

-Dude. You are not eating popcorn on my bed.

-Ah, c’mon, Sammy, a few popcorn kernels here and there never hurt anyone’s four hours.

-Please, just-use the chair?

-There ain’t even a cushion on that thing. Hey, why don’t we bring in that couch that’s out in the library? Even better, here’s what we should do-

-Watch the movie in these chairs?

-Fine, hardass. Till I’m done with my popcorn. But listen. We oughta clear out one of our guest rooms-

-Our guest--?

-Yeah, one of the bunks. We can set up your TV in there, and get one of those theater seat reclining numbers with the leather and the cup holders.

-I’m not carrying one of those monstrosities down that staircase for you. Sorry.

-Monstrosities? I think you mean, "Laps of luxury."

-And I’m pretty sure the Men of Letters would come back just to haunt us if we turned this place into a man cave.

-It’s already a man cave. And what’s the point of having a secret clubhouse if you can’t have a private theater?

-Dean. Here. Put the movie in.

-What is this?


-I sent you to get “The Evil Dead”. I repeat-What is this?

-They didn’t have “Evil Dead” 1, 2 or 3. I got this instead. Have you seen it? Jess took me to it once, on campus. It’s kinda creepy, very atmospheric-

-“The Others”? What does that even mean?

-Well it’s about a mother and her two kids in this big old house on an island off the English coast. Their servants have all deserted them for some reason, and then these new servants-

-Ghost servants, right? Haunted English houses? Man, I hate these kinds of stories! Buncha repressed people wandering through hallways with candles, scared of shadows and moping around in the rain. If they would just bother to do a little research and dare to get their hands dirty, they’d be done with Casper the ancient cursed ancestor in fifteen minutes.

-Well, this is the program for the night. You wanna start it up?

-Dude, we are so getting Netflix in here. Alright, alright.


-You trust this maid, Nicole? Cause I sure don’t. Get out your silver salt cellar and spill some on her, bet she goes up in a puff of smoke.

-She’d probably just sweep it up and scold the boss. Don’t think salt works in this story.

-Salt works in every story. Aren’t you the one who told me something about how it’s a-what was it? Symbol of purity. Ever since the Greeks.

-Hush, this is a good part.


-Damn, kids, your bed is haunted! That sucks. Don’t worry though, Sam will show you how to booby-trap the floor. What was it that you spread all over the front hallway in that little house in Flagstaff? Jacks, and Legos, and-


-Man, you were so lucky Dad didn’t come home that night. Also, if I hadn’t turned on the light and had stepped on one of those things, I’d have killed you myself!

-What do you want from a six year old? I still call it a perfect trap.

-For Joe Pesci, maybe. I’d already laid the salt lines, what were you trying to trap? Even at that age, pretty sure you knew ghosts don’t care about Legos.

-It wasn’t ghosts.


-Jason. Or maybe Freddie.

-Ah, Sammy-

-Your own fault, you know. You’re the one who let me watch that movie.

-I didn’t let you watch. You woke up while I was watching. There’s a difference-


-OK, now we’re getting somewhere? Where’s your shovel, woman? Pay attention and think about why the creepy gardener might be piling leaves in the graveyard-



-Are you going to talk through the entire movie?

-Not if you let me sit on the bed. -Don’t give me that look! See? Empty bowl.


-You’re a prince, Sammy.


-Huh. I forgot about this part.

-Now who’s talking? What do you mean, Nicole getting lost in the fog?

-Yeah. It’s a nice metaphor for the unknown, right? I wonder if that’s what it’s really like-

-England? Yep, pretty much every picture I’ve ever seen of England looks just like that.

-You know what I mean-

-Whatever. Hey, look who’s coming through the mist. Umm-who’s that guy?


-You know what that fog reminds me of? Purgatory.


-Yeah, I mean, not the fog itself, just the color, like a-like a washed out shirt that used to be white but has gone all gray. And the way you hear what’s coming before you see it.

-Wow. You know, we can pause the movie if, there’s anything you want to-

-Nope. I’m fine, Sam.

-OK. So-did you ever meet anyone you knew down there? I mean, anyone we mighta-


-Huh. Right.

-I’m serious, here. I’m watching the show.


-Another day. Forget I said anything.


-What did you think?

-Well-still woulda rather spent the time with my man Ash than with that so-proper mopey basket-case. Can't say she didn't have some of that coming. The kids, though-- Not bad, I guess, it’s a thumbs up. Makes you think.

-Only a matter of time before some hunters would get wind of that house.

-You got that right. Sweet dreams tonight, but I ain’t tucking you in -Did you hear something?

-Like what?

-I dunno, like a buzzing?

-That’s just your head. I don’t hear anything. Could be some machinery, or a bug, but I’m not even sure a fly could get in here past whatever charms are keeping this place running. Pretty sure nothing is going to stalk you across the hall to your room.

-I know that. Hey, Sam?


-You ever think about all those dead Men of Letters? Thirty years they lived and worked and died here.

-And now some poor uninitiated Legacy is playing with their samurai swords and rummaging through their storage rooms-

-Shut up. I mean, what if they’re still here. Not here, here, not like vengeful spirits, but just around? What if we’re walking back and forth through each other’s years without knowing it?

-I think you liked that movie more than you’ll admit.

-It’s just-I don’t like the idea, you know? We’ve come across death echoes, and people who didn’t know they were dead, and crazy spirits up the wazoo, but what if there are other spirits all around us, all the time? If they’d be anywhere, they’d be here, holding on to their bits of magic, and wondering who these intruders are-

-Are you ok?

-Yeah, of course. I’m just going to walk down this hallway to my room, sink down in my mattress and not think about that damn movie.

-Pretty sure you won’t be visited tonight, Dean. Don’t think you’ll be haunting anyone, either.

-You’re right. I just-

-Goodnight, Dean.

-Yeah. Goodnight.


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