
May 24, 2012 22:58

If you participated last year, you already know how this works as the rules haven't changed.

☼ How do I participate?Draw a picture! The only requirements your artwork must meet, is that it must be fanart for Supernatural and be visibly related to the challenge theme of 'summer'.

Your art may include pairings (het and slash), but a pairing can't be the only element in your picture. (For example, if you drew Sam and Jessica kissing in front of a nondescript gray background your image wouldn't qualify, but if you drew them kissing on a flowery meadow, it would be fine.)

Only non-explicit artwork will be accepted. Nudity in context is perfectly fine but the drawings shouldn't be pornographic.
Your picture may be happy and lighthearted or bleak and sad, whatever suits you.

RPF is not allowed.

Finally, please note that we accept only hand-drawn fanart (traditional or digital) for this challenge. Photo manipulations are not allowed.

If you need ideas or enjoy working with prompts, feel free to check out the  Prompts&Inspiration thread. Choosing a prompt is completely optional!

☼ How do I submit my artwork?
Either send a PM to summerart_mod that includes a link to your image or send an e-mail to that includes your art as an attachment. Please only submit artwork that has not been published elsewhere. It is not possible or necessary to join the community. Watching it will be enough to keep up with things!

And yes, multiple submissions are welcome!

Please include the following information in your submission:

    Artist: [lj name or tumblr handle]
    Warnings: [optional: include only if any apply]
    LJ Link:* [optional: if you want to link back to a post in your own LJ instead of posting directly to the community,    include it here]
    If based on a prompt:
    Prompt: [link or text/description]
    Prompter: [lj name of prompter]

* If you want to link back to a post in your own LJ or art community, please create a locked post with your artwork and include that link with your submission. You can unlock your entry on your scheduled posting date.


☼ Posting schedule will go up on July 7th.

☼ Where do I sign up?
We want to keep the challenge open and laid-back, so there will be NO sign-up. However, if you plan on submitting, please let us know in the Participation Poll post, it will help us with the organization and let everyone get a picture of interest and activity!

☼ Not an artist?
You can play too!

If you are brimming with ideas for this challenge but don't draw, you can bring them to the Prompt&Inspiration thread. Anything goes, as long as it's inspirational: you can post photos, music or even single sentence prompts (e.g. 'Cas and Dean go fishing'). If you are a writer and have written a summer-themed SPN fanfic that you would like to see illustrated, feel free to link it.

Or take at look at the Summer Love comment fic meme!

☼ Any questions?
Comment in this post, PM summerart_mod or e-mail

Link us!

rules, round 2

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