
May 24, 2012 22:58

If you participated last year, you already know how this works as the rules haven't changed.

☼ How do I participate?Draw a picture! The only requirements your artwork must meet, is that it must be fanart for Supernatural and be visibly related to the challenge theme of 'summer'.

Your art may include pairings (het and slash), but a pairing can't be ( Read more... )

rules, round 2

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Comments 9

nrrrdy_grrrl June 1 2012, 15:51:17 UTC
No manips allowed- I don't know why they didn't mention that in the info.


salty_catfish June 1 2012, 15:54:58 UTC
How do you mean? What info? :)


nrrrdy_grrrl June 1 2012, 16:16:58 UTC
The guidelines and rules info.


salty_catfish June 1 2012, 17:59:58 UTC
But it's explicitly stated?

Finally, please note that we accept only hand-drawn fanart (traditional or digital) for this challenge. Photo manipulations are not allowed.


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