We've noticed that there are a lot of new fans around so we're hosting a friending meme this month. \o/ If you want to play just copy and paste the contents of the text box into a comment and fill it out!
If you see someone you'd like to be friends with drop them a reply and say hi! <3 Let's share our love for the boys and the show.
The rules are simple: No bashing and or flaming other users, respect everyone's opinion and the show. Also, it would be a good idea not to mention any S8 spoilers. ;)
When did you become a SPN fan:Do you have a preference of gen, het, slash stories:Spoilerphobe?What kind of hurt!Sam would you like to see in S8:If the internet was to disappear today and you only had the chance to save one fan fiction (or one author), which (who) would it be?All time favorite episode:Anything else you want to share?Share your favourite gif: (optional)
If you'd like to pimp (yay!), copy the contents below and post it to your journal. :D
is hosting a hiatus friending meme. \o/ Why not drop by and meet some new fans! HAVE FUN!!!