Schedule for Podficcers
Mini Bang Round
May 31st - Rough Drafts Due
June 4th* - Story Claims
July 8th - Posting Begins
Big Bang Round
August 16th - Rough Drafts Due
August 19th* - Story Claims
October 1st - Posting Begins
Big bang dates also apply to those who couldn't finish their minis in the first round. You're also welcome to do a mini for each round.
*Story claims dates are approximate and will be confirmed closer to the actual dates.
Podficcer sign-ups are open until rough drafts are due. As long as you submit a rough draft by 11:59 PM PST on the due date then you're in, but signing up early gives us a better idea of how many artists we'll need so don't wait!
The story you select to record for a mini bang should be between 5 and 14K. Big bangs are 15K+. This challenge is all about creative collaboration. You should contact the author you're planning to record for and likewise need to be in contact with the artist who claims your story.
You're welcome to record any SPN gen fic you desire, but if you're not yet sure what you want to record check out
Podfic Permission Granting Post where authors have listed their stories from previous rounds, as well as other gen stories they have available for podficcing.
The FAQ can be found
here and you can contact your mod,
reapertownusa, if you still have any questions.
To sign up, comment to this post with the below info:
LJ Username:
Mini or Big Bang:
Any additional thoughts: