Mar 05, 2013 02:56
This next round will also be open to podficcers - awesome folks who lend their talented voices to perform audio versions of fics - if you wrote a fic in any of the previous rounds and would be open to having it podficced, please comment here with a link to your story. Also, if you have any other gen stories in either the mini bang (5 to 14K) or big bang (15K+) lengths then feel free to offer those up as well.
Writers - there are no guarantees that your fic will be podficced. We just want to make it easy for the podficcers to find some lovely delights to work with. Podficcers - this is not a blanket permission post. Offerings here apply only to this particular challenge unless the author explicitly states otherwise.
Now go forth and share the podficcing love!
.mod post