Who's in the Mood for Some Comment Fic?

Sep 08, 2013 00:05

It's Back to School Time!

Even though we've only got about a month to go before the Season 9 premiere, if you're like me, it still feels so far away. In the mean time, many of us are going back to school or sending our own kids on the bus to (hopefully) get an education, so with that in mind, how about we explore the school days of Sam and Dean with comment fic or art?

Post your prompts relating to Sam and Dean's school experiences in the comments, whether they be from elementary school, middle school, high school, or college. Just remember to keep your responses and fills within the guidelines of our community (light-hearted in nature, schmoopy, or funny. No heavy angst or RPF.) Please post only one prompt per comment, but feel free to post as many prompts as you wish. You may also fill as many prompts as you like and more than one fill per prompt is allowed.


comment fic, meme, comment art

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