I'm not cool enough to think up an awesome name for this plot, but...

Jul 19, 2011 06:46

So as most people probably have seen, Riku will be killed in this week’s mongoose massacre. Unfortunately for him (and most likely for everyone who gets themselves involved into following plot) his death and following revival has a few more consequences than just getting his soul/heart ripped out of his body and tortured for a while…

Riku happens to be from the chronologically fourth game in the series, 358/2 Days. As quick summary to everyone who’s never played Kingdom Hearts/hasn’t played in a while or any of the newer games, in the year and a half previous to arriving in Splendor Riku:
  • successfully escaped his home world by letting the darkness in
  • agreed to work for a group of people with very questionable motives in order to get back his female best friend’s heart
  • got pretty jealous at his other best friend, basically fought him over nothing but his ego and became insecure of himself when he lost
  • took the questionable advice to let the darkness into his heart and was possessed for his trouble
  • got un-possessed, was locked into the Realm of Darkness along with a Mouse-King, got out, landed in a castle that creates memory worlds and had to deal with his was-once-and-would-like-to-be-again-possessor, a group of people who technically don’t exist and a way too cocky replica
  • found out his best friend (the one he had previously been jealous of) got his memory messed up, decided that he likes the darkness and the light both, smacked down his would-like-to-be-possessor, sorts of got him locked into the deepest abyss of his heart and spent the next year stalking a certain Organization, while once again working for/with a guy with questionable motives and guilt tripping himself over all of the above along the way.

How is this relevant?

Well, as just mentioned, Riku’s once-possessor, Ansem, Seeker of Darkness (also known as Xehanort’s Heartless) was never truly gone; he still exists alongside of Riku and was brought with him to Splendor. This has had sorts of benefits for Riku, since he’s been able to access all of Ansem’s powers ever since leaving Castle Oblivion (…if you can call the drawback of looking like your worst enemy a benefit). However. As silent as he might have been, Ansem has been far from gone, but rather has been growing stronger thanks to the break of confidence Riku has been having ever since Sora was kidnapped by Vanitas.

So, when Riku’s soul/heart is taken by Fexis to be feasted on, Ansem will use the opportunity and take the body for himself instead. He will disappear before anyone has the chance to notice that Riku has come back as not quite himself and once Fexis is taken down for good and Riku returns to his body, their roles will be reversed and Ansem in total control. Fun times.

Ansem will keep himself hidden and out of sight for a little more than a week after that in order to gather strength and formulate a plan and will do his best to stay undiscovered after that until his plan has reached the end stages.

His ultimate goal will be to attempt to escape Splendor and throw the world into eternal darkness while he is at it. Getting Kingdom Hearts in process/wishing it into existence would be a nice bonus. Due Kingdom Hearts logic, he figures that for Splendor's magic to work as it does and for the world to be able to call people as it pleases, its heart should be locked and that if he unlocks it he will archive both his goals in one shot.

For that however he knows he will need a Keyblade.

Conveniently for him, Riku a. is a Keyblade Bearer-to-be and therefore capable of wielding one and b. just happened to find out about the allegedly most powerful Keyblade that ever was in existence and what it takes in order to create it.

This means he has three things he needs to find:
  • a heart of light
  • a heart of darkness
  • the location of Splendor's heart
First is rather easily found considering Riku’s close connections to Sora and Kairi.

Second is going to need work and this is where your character just might get involved. Unless I have missed something (which is totally possible and I apologize for my fail in that case) and we do have a few already very dark hearted character in Splendor, Ansem will be doing what he does best and manipulate things in his favour. If he comes across someone with potential, he will try to push them in their insecurities either by contacting them directly or creating situations that work to his advantage. He won’t do this just to get a dark heart for his plan, but also in order to sway the general balance of light and dark within Splendor, by spreading seeds of doubt, uncertainty and distrust.

However, his main focus will be with finding Splendor’s heart as that where everything comes together. In order to find it, I would like him to try and make use of the contacts Riku has made in Splendor. He might feed Asch and the information network some stuff about how finding the heart is going to help them escape (and fabricate some sort of evidence to it, perhaps by wishing up a book or something similar) and create and offer them some sort of device that would enable them to see it (he just wants to see the heart; what a harmless wish - isnt’t it?).

Once he manages to find Splendor's heart and has located himself a heart of darkness, he will finally get cocky. While, if de-masked at any time before that point he would have done his best to appear to be Riku, he will then reveal himself, gather his x-Blade ingredients, leading into one big, final KH-style showdown which will of course end with him being smacked down again or might even be defeated for good, but that shall be dealt with in a different plot post.

I plan to run this plot over at very least the first three weeks of August; perhaps longer depending on how many people want to participate.

What I need to know now is:
  • Do you want to have your character manipulated and/or eventually used as x-Blade material?
  • If yes, how could Ansem manipulate them?
  • Do you have a character that might get suspicious of this new cloaked figure in Splendor and do you want to have them some sort of confrontation?
Take note that in Kingdom Hearts, Darkness never necessarily means evil! Sorrow, doubt and guilt are just as much part of it as anger and hate and Ansem doesn’t differ between any of them, since everything stems from the Darkness anyway. B-)

Alright, I’m done TLDRing now, but I’m hoping that maybe some of you are interested?

Also, yes I'm done spamming the comms now. |D;

riku, *i need angst, *i need cr, !cast plotting, *i need violence, !gamewide plotting, [canon] kingdom hearts, !individual plotting, *i need trollan/to troll, *i need dramar, *i need shenanigans, !cr plotting, *i need something truly hideous

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