[10 - Voice/Action]

May 27, 2011 21:09

[It's the slight, sudden shift between light and darkness that alerts Riku, the tipping of the grand scale within Splendor back to the light... someone has disappeared, a powerful darkness. A familiar one at that ( Read more... )

king mickey, oc: jack gibson & cerbos, decus nadel, riku, oerba dia vanille

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holyburstking May 28 2011, 01:16:29 UTC
[Mickey's been worried about his friend since just before the confrontation. Not sensing him nearby at night? Well, that just means he's going to head out and explore for a bit. He no longer worries about stumbling across Unversed with Vanitas gone, but he can't help but notice the lasting impact a heart can have on others - bad or good. Vanitas was definitely the former.

So don't mind a worried mouse, watching quietly while you practice, Riku.]


justabignobody May 28 2011, 19:21:19 UTC
[Riku has been focusing on spell work, trying to create differently sized shields, though ultimately he is not making much progress by himself. It frustrates him to no end; it's worse than in Hollow Bastion, when Maleficent just unbound his powers and left him to figure out how to control them by himself. Back then there had at least been there had been an infinite amount of Heartless around to take his frustrations out on. He isn't quite as lucky here, though he'd never wish even single Heartless into Splendor, no matter how dissatisfied he is with himself and his progress (or rather, there lack of).

Usually he'd try to hide this, especially around the King, but there is only so much he can do by himself without moving targets around. Finally, he lowers his hand, lips pressed to a tight line as he finally acknowledges his watcher.]

How can I protect anyone... How can I even think of wanting to protect anyone... when I'm just like this?

[Not even strong enough to defend himself without relying on Ansem's power.]


holyburstking May 30 2011, 11:25:44 UTC
[This was the hardest part of any ordeal: the aftermath. But watching Riku flounder and stumble so much while in an emotional wreck cut right though to his heart - something that he couldn't help but sympathize with. Doubt in ones strength, fear of being unable to help much, if at all... He's been there and just wants to reach out and help Riku get on the right path again like Master Yen Sid (and somewhere out there, he just knows his teacher is rolling his eyes and giving a knowing smile at his star). But that's just it. He isn't the wizard...

Mickey steps out into the open when Riku finally speaks, mouth pressed in a fine line as well. It's hard to feel helpless when given such a strong power, he knows. Oh, does he know.]

Not everyone is perfect, Riku. We all have our shortcomings - even me.

[He pulls something out of his pocket - a star-shaped object he hasn't used in a long while. ...Maybe it was time to tell Riku what else had happened all those years ago.]


justabignobody June 1 2011, 17:56:18 UTC
It's not about-

[He cuts himself off, shaking his head, jaw clenching. It's not about being perfect, or shortcomings... it's about his failures, his failure to be someone that could be depended on. He is not sure how to put that into words, because there are some things that are just so hard to talk with Mickey about, for all that he says he understands, he doesn't... not truly. He has never given into the dark like Riku has. Finally he turns back to him, glad when he sees that something in Mickey's hand; it's an opportunity to change the subject that Riku more than welcomes.]

What is that?


holyburstking June 1 2011, 19:01:00 UTC
[-Which was why he was trying to get at, but just... failed miserably at putting it to words. He has a feeling it's probably a hard thing to talk about with someone so light with what Riku's done, so he wasn't going to push it. A good call, Riku. He tilts his head to the side for a moment, then holds the item up.]

This? It's called a Star Shard. Ya see, I used to use this to travel between worlds before gummi ships were created. Though, it never took me where I wanted to go, but where I was needed. Because of it, I met Aqua and Ven.

[...Along with got kidnapped by Vanitas, his butt kicked by him and Xehanort, arrived a bit late to the battle, and many other things.]


justabignobody June 3 2011, 22:49:18 UTC
[Riku nods, crossing his arms over his chest as he regards the Starshard. He had been wondered how people had traveled before gummi ships had been invented, outside of Corridors of Darkness. Finally he dares to ask the one question that has always been in the back of his mind ever since before Mickey's arrival.]

What happened back then?


holyburstking June 4 2011, 18:31:32 UTC
Xehanort tried to bring about the Keyblade war and plunge the worlds into darkness so he could make 'em the way he saw fit. He almost succeeded with the χ-blade, too.

[He pauses a minute, collecting himself. He knew and had prepared himself for talking about it, but it still was hard - hard to admit he hadn't been strong enough to help his pals back then.]

I'd gone back to Yen Sid for more training 'cause I was getting a bit rusty when he told me he feared somethin' terrible was about to happen to the worlds. It was then I took this and went out to see if there was anything I could do to change it.

That's when I met the Ven and Vanitas the first time. I think Vanitas was about to finish Ven off when I jumped in. We beat him together, but he still got away. After that, the shard brought me to Aqua and Kairi in what's now Hollow Bastion. I think I mighta surprised Kairi there. She was a bit of an Unversed magnet...

[He gives a sheepish look, but then- Well, those were the only good parts to the story.]But when the shard left me in ( ... )


justabignobody June 5 2011, 17:59:57 UTC
[Riku listens quietly to the king's story, frowning as he works some of the pieces into place. 'Keyblade War', 'Key-blade'... Eraqus had mentioned those terms to him before, had told him that Xehanort had expressed interest in both... looked like he had been right in his suspicion.

He smiles almost, when Mickey mentions Kairi... how had her life been back then, he wondered, back in Hollow Bastion?

His jaw clenches at the mention of Kingdom Hearts - the one thing that all - Xehanort, 'Ansem' and Xemnas - were after... why? Power aside, why felt all of them drawn to it? He closes his eyes as Mickey reaches the end of his story - he might not know any of them particularly well, but his memories connected him with Aqua and Terra, and Ven... him looking like Roxas could hardly be coincidence.]

...What happened to Aqua?

[After all, Mickey had said 'almost stuck down'. In that case, had she made it out of the battle? If she had, where had she been in the last decade?]


holyburstking June 5 2011, 18:48:02 UTC
[He wouldn't know; he only briefly met Kairi at that age.

He pauses a moment.] We don't know. I saved her twice that night, but she left looking for Terra. No one's seen her since.


justabignobody June 5 2011, 19:43:38 UTC
[Then both of them, Terra and Aqua, had been lost somewhere along the line. They had to find out what happened to them, Riku though, but if Mickey hasn't had any luck in the last ten years then he isn't sure what help he could be.

Regardless of that, there are many things he understands better now, one important void filled. There are still questions, of course, and one very big mystery that they haven't had the time to talk about yet.]

…Do you have any idea what connects Ventus to Sora?

[Because for his part at least, Riku can't remember ever having seen him visiting the islands. Of course, it was possible that he once had caught Sora alone... but considering how close they had always been, it was unlikely.]


holyburstking June 26 2011, 00:14:44 UTC
[They definitely had to find out what happened to them. Their fates had to have left a mark on what happened during Riku's time, but from his time here... there's at least an idea for their friend's fate.]


[To mention he read the diary or not to mention it...

...He'll apologize to Sora, later.] I might have an idea. It's a bit vague, but... there was an entry in a diary I found in Sora's room talkin' about a "dream" he had about a bright orb of light and it sounded like Ven.


justabignobody June 29 2011, 20:06:24 UTC
[Riku raises his eyebrow slightly - Mickey was one of the last person's he would have expected to go look through other people's diaries; even though considering Sora's track record of finding trouble and/or befriending the wrong people it was probably good to keep an eye on that.

He shifts his gaze to the ground as he thinks this over - a dream, an orb of light... could it be...]

So their hearts really may be connected, huh?


holyburstking July 6 2011, 13:20:51 UTC
...It was kinda open at the time. [Pretty hard to miss it lying there on the nightstand, little pen next to it. He just... glanced at the right page and is never looking at it again.]

Welp, anything in our world's possible. Not to mention this one.


justabignobody July 9 2011, 16:22:27 UTC
[His lips twitch up as a smile flickers over his face; despite declarations of the contrary Sora has never been much of a secret keeper. Not for the lack of trying, but sometimes he was just too careless about things, like the purpose of a diary and just how to do it wrong.]

That's true. But it would probably explain a lot.


holyburstking July 9 2011, 18:08:56 UTC
[He just rubs the back of his neck, a bit sheepish. Yep, there is a reason you hide it and not leave it on a nightstand, open for anyone and everyone to see.]

Gosh, it really would explain plenty about what's happened and why Ven won't wake up back home.


justabignobody July 10 2011, 13:03:07 UTC
[Indeed there is, but try explaining that one to Sora.

Riku nods to himself.]

It would probably also explain why Ventus, Roxas, Vanitas and Sora look so alike to each other.


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