[You'll have to give him a moment to answer Edel, as he's having a bit of trouble focusing. Everything's coming to him at once, but eventually he manages to realize that the seal's on.]
...I don't know...
[The response comes out in a breath. Things are starting to even out but something still seems off.]
If- If you were attacked, you should seek immediate medical attention! Do you understand? I don't know how this world works, but it's always advisable to make sure you're... [ he pauses, calming his panic slightly. ] ... you're well and good.
I'm guessing you must be alive, if you're talking on this thing. [ She frowns a little, pensively. There is a genuinely questioning tone to her voice, and she hopes she doesn't sound tactless. ] Is that... surprising?
[It takes Leoben a moment to answer, mostly because he's trying to think of one while his body is trying to remind him that he is alive while the rest of him is pretty certain that he died.]
[ Her eyes widen considerably. Of course, that was the implication of what else this man might be if he wasn't alive, but to hear it is a little shocking anyway. ]
You died? [ Can this world bring people back to life? The notion seems absurd to her. ] Well- are you feeling alright, now? [ ... slowly, carefully (even though she's already being a bit nosy as it is): ] Why are you sure that you died? Did something happen?
[Being told that he is alive is a comforting thing, no matter how many times he hears it. Still, it takes him a moment to find the right words because he's not sure.]
Comments 60
Are... are you well?
...I don't know...
[The response comes out in a breath. Things are starting to even out but something still seems off.]
I was attacked, but...[Did he die? He's pretty sure he did.] I died. I was killed.
It is. I was certain that I had died.
You died? [ Can this world bring people back to life? The notion seems absurd to her. ] Well- are you feeling alright, now? [ ... slowly, carefully (even though she's already being a bit nosy as it is): ] Why are you sure that you died? Did something happen?
[That's a lie. His last memory is of pain and suffering but if we go back one memory, then it's being attacked.]
[Asch thought he heard some shuffling in here. He observes from the doorway, arms crossed over his chest.]
But you weren't five minutes ago.
Asch? So I did die...I thought so.
[Leoben looks tired now. Because means that everything he felt in the space between life and death was real.]
[After a bit, Asch paces across the room and peers out the window.]
Any idea why you were targeted?
[There's a pause as he doesn't really want to think about it but realizes that he probably should.]
None that I can think of. I just remember it happening.
Y-yeah, you are. How are you?
What about you?
[he wasn't one of those just killed after all]
Just tired.
Did you...fight him? The attacker?
[a pause.]
How do you feel?
Alright. My strength is returning.
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