Who: Haku, Sakura, Tiki, Kakashi What: The four of them enter the mansion and look for costumes. Where: Ouran Mansion When: After this thread in the costumes post. Rating: Er. PG? Open: No. ^^;
Haku coughed politely. It was better than choking, because that would have made his shock more obvious.
"If you say so..."
...wait. Kakashi did say that he would agree to dressing up, but not what, exactly, he was going to wear.
A bright smile crossed the teen's face as looked at the clothing racks nearest to them. "Hmm, I wonder what Kakashi-san would look best in. Maybe I should ask Sakura-chan or someone for recommendations..?"
He would have dragged Kakashi over to where Sakura was, but he didn't want to intrude on the conversation she and Tiki were having, not when she was enjoying herself.
Sakura beamed, pleased that her idea was so well received. She turned back to searching through the racks of clothes, keeping an eye out for something for Tiki's costume or something that might suit Haku.
"I'm sure Tiki-san will make a wonderful knight!" she declared cheerfully. She faltered a bit at his question though. "Me? Um... I haven't really thought about it," she confessed sheepishly. "What do you think I should go as, Tiki-san?"
She glanced over quickly at Haku and Kakashi, as she thought that she had heard her name, but they seemed so deep in discussion that she must have just imagined it.
Moving to look in a different pile of clothes, a flash of color made blink and peer more closely at a mannequin she hadn't noticed before. She let out a little crow of triumph when she noticed the clothes draped on the dummy. It seemed that she had found the perfect costume for Haku.
Tiki smiled faintly at her responding question, sorting through the clothes. His answer required very little thought. "A knight is happiest when serving a princess, is he not? At least, that is what I've heard in the past."
He did not add, of course, that associating her costume with his was likely to irritate those who found him untrustworthy, and that, of course, did not bother him one bit.
Kakashi looked over the dresses, his heart sinking a little. There was no way he was going to look good in a dress, or even remotely feminine. Maybe he could find Haku a costume first, and then the teen would just forget about Kakashi's promise. Right. And then hell would freeze over. Well, it was worth a shot. "Hey, why don't we look for something for you?" Kakashi asked, steering the conversation away from himself. "You're prettier than me, anyways." He teased.
"If Kakashi-san says so," said Haku, still smiling. He was very familiar with the jounin's escape tactics by now, and knew that Kakashi was trying to get out of their deal. But there were ways to make the agreement stick.
"We could go look for yours as well. After all, we're in this together, right?"
Yes, it was a bit mean of him to force the issue when he didn't really mind crossdressing all that much. He had to admit, though, that he was curious with what the jounin would look like in clothes other than his regular gear.
Haku looked at Sakura's direction when she made a pleased sound. It looked like she had found something. The effeminate teen glanced back at Kakashi, sending a silent promise that their earlier discussion was not over yet, before gently taking the man's wrist and guiding him to where Sakura and Tiki were.
Comments 66
"If you say so..."
...wait. Kakashi did say that he would agree to dressing up, but not what, exactly, he was going to wear.
A bright smile crossed the teen's face as looked at the clothing racks nearest to them. "Hmm, I wonder what Kakashi-san would look best in. Maybe I should ask Sakura-chan or someone for recommendations..?"
He would have dragged Kakashi over to where Sakura was, but he didn't want to intrude on the conversation she and Tiki were having, not when she was enjoying herself.
"I'm sure Tiki-san will make a wonderful knight!" she declared cheerfully. She faltered a bit at his question though. "Me? Um... I haven't really thought about it," she confessed sheepishly. "What do you think I should go as, Tiki-san?"
She glanced over quickly at Haku and Kakashi, as she thought that she had heard her name, but they seemed so deep in discussion that she must have just imagined it.
Moving to look in a different pile of clothes, a flash of color made blink and peer more closely at a mannequin she hadn't noticed before. She let out a little crow of triumph when she noticed the clothes draped on the dummy. It seemed that she had found the perfect costume for Haku.
He did not add, of course, that associating her costume with his was likely to irritate those who found him untrustworthy, and that, of course, did not bother him one bit.
"Hey, why don't we look for something for you?" Kakashi asked, steering the conversation away from himself. "You're prettier than me, anyways." He teased.
"We could go look for yours as well. After all, we're in this together, right?"
Yes, it was a bit mean of him to force the issue when he didn't really mind crossdressing all that much. He had to admit, though, that he was curious with what the jounin would look like in clothes other than his regular gear.
Haku looked at Sakura's direction when she made a pleased sound. It looked like she had found something. The effeminate teen glanced back at Kakashi, sending a silent promise that their earlier discussion was not over yet, before gently taking the man's wrist and guiding him to where Sakura and Tiki were.
"Did you find anything, Sakura-chan?"
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