Who: Sha Gojyo (
r3dh3ad), Genjyo Sanzo (
smokinggunhoshi), Son Goku (
seiten_saru), Cho Hakkai (
youkaihealer), and anyone
Where: Streets of the cities; closer to residence buildings
What: Gojyo's need to find Hakkai apparently can't wait for the rain to stop
Rating: PG. There will be bad language on Gojyo's part
Open? Yes :D
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There probably wasn't a person in the world that rain affected as much as Genjo Sanzo.
The priest looked up at the sky, cigarette getting as soaked as he was. The heavens, literally speaking, sure knew how to kick a man when he was down. If said houshi believed in Kami, he'd certainly be cursing him off right now.
One second, he had been with the others, in the jeep, and the next...
Here. In the rain. Up to his ankles. No one in sight. Until he spotted a figure coming towards him.
Sanzo stood there for a moment, contemplating his next course of action. Being in the rain jarred his thoughts, constantly bringing him back to that night so long ago that was the defining moment of a downward spiral of luck.
Until he met the baka saru. Not that he would admit that, even to himself, but...
As the figure approached, Sanzo made sure he was seeing right. He knew that outfit. Red hair. Tall.
Definitely the kappa.
"Gojyo?" The blonde called over the rain, awaiting a response.
Fuck, Gojyo thought again. He hadn't been banking on this. Not at all. Sanzo was their fucking chance. There had been a certain comfort in having Hakkai there; but this was just...fuck. Now they had no connection to the outside world. Who was left - Kougaiji?
Gojyo smiled again. "Hakkai's around here somewhere," he explained, pushing the rogue strands of hair back behind his ears. "Didn't tell me what building he was in. You got your gun? My staff is, unfortunately, back in whatever shitkicker motel I got pulled out of."
Gojyo continued to trudge through the rain.
His heart cried non-stop for the monk, wanting nothing better than to be with him again, be with someone.
Sanzo! Someone!He didn't want to be all alone again. How long had he been alone, with only the sometime shadows and flickering light as company? It had been so dark, yet so light. What light there was had come as fangs through the bars in front of the cave, so much like the bars on the stairs ( ... )
Fuck. Sanzo had been bad enough. Gojyo hadn't ever really trusted Goku to get them out (he'd panic, and after Sanzo disappearing, the panic would get even worse), but he was their last. fucking. chance. Now it was up to Kanzeon Bosatsu to notice that her favorite toys were missing and get them the fuck out of here.
Gojyo smiled grimly, and glanced around at the city surrounding him. Hakkai was here. He knew that Hakkai was here. Now it was just a matter of finding him.
"Stay here," he had told Hakuryuu, with a small smile. "I'll be back soon."
He was cautious in descending the stairs, still distrusting of this.. place, whatever it was. He wasn't going to let down his guard - if he did, he was quite sure that something would happen (call it a hunch). At any rate, he reached the door in one piece, opening it to the rain, which seemed more than happy to invade the dry hallway he was standing in; clearly the wind was not on his side.
"Gojyo?" He called, though it felt as if the rain swallowed his voice - he could only hope to be seen or heard somehow. "Is anyone out there?"
Well, it couldn't hurt to hope.
"Don't call me a monkey, kappa!"
Goku splashed the lsat few steps to the two men, tripping over an unseen object and tumbling forward. Wet.
"Sanzo, where is this?"
Gojyo might not know. Sanzo...well, Sanzo was Sanzo. Still, he felt much better knowing that there was Sanzo and Gojyo here, because it was Sanzo and Gojyo. Besides, Sanzo brought a certain comfort with him. Like a sun. He wondered if Hakkai was here too. Was he staying with Gojyo?
But this place was weird. And he still didn't know how he ended up here. "Where is this?" he repeated.
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