Who: Sha Gojyo (
r3dh3ad), Genjyo Sanzo (
smokinggunhoshi), Son Goku (
seiten_saru), Cho Hakkai (
youkaihealer), and anyone
Where: Streets of the cities; closer to residence buildings
What: Gojyo's need to find Hakkai apparently can't wait for the rain to stop
Rating: PG. There will be bad language on Gojyo's part
Open? Yes :D
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His heart cried non-stop for the monk, wanting nothing better than to be with him again, be with someone.
Sanzo! Someone!
He didn't want to be all alone again. How long had he been alone, with only the sometime shadows and flickering light as company? It had been so dark, yet so light. What light there was had come as fangs through the bars in front of the cave, so much like the bars on the stairs.
"Sanzo! Hakkai! Gojyo!"
He called their names over and over. Where were they? Why wasn't there anyone here? He...He didn't know what to do. But he was on stairs. And stairs went up and down. But when he looked up, he could only see more stairs. But if he looked down, there were buildings. Buildings meant people. Even if it seemed empty, it must be because of the rain. Maybe the were there. Maybe someone had seen a monk or a red haired kappa or a brown-haired man with a monocle.
Maybe they'd be there.
And then Sanzo would get him, and it'd all be alright.
His heart still calling out for someone to help him, his legs carried him down the stairs, going down and down, one step at a time, then two.
It wasn't long before he found himself at the base of the stairs, and skidding wildly in the already high rain that swirled around him. It was wet.
The water was high as he splashed through. The rain obscured his vision. It was wet. So when he saw the back of someone wearing the robes of a sanzo with hair as brilliant as a sun, and a tall, red-haired kappa, he almost thought it was an illusion.
"Sanzo? Gojyo?"
[[...long ><]]
Fuck. Sanzo had been bad enough. Gojyo hadn't ever really trusted Goku to get them out (he'd panic, and after Sanzo disappearing, the panic would get even worse), but he was their last. fucking. chance. Now it was up to Kanzeon Bosatsu to notice that her favorite toys were missing and get them the fuck out of here.
Gojyo smiled grimly, and glanced around at the city surrounding him. Hakkai was here. He knew that Hakkai was here. Now it was just a matter of finding him.
The monk was quiet, making THAT FACE at Gojyo's taunt. He followed in step with the kappa, and when questioned about his weapon, he pulled it from inside his sleeve and waved it lazily before placing it back as his answer.
He finally took the wet cigarette and tossed it from his mouth into one of the puddles on the street. Sanzo wanted to get inside. It was now not just memories of Koumyo Sanzo...but Shuei as well that lingered on the air. He could hear the rosary fall to the ground. See the blood. The screams just made the rain...
But something more exhausting had made its way to him. There was loud splashing, and then his name being called. Hm. There was only one person that had that spark in their voice.
He turned to the baka saru, eyes watching the little one that followed him everywhere. And for just a split-second, was that an infinitesimal spark of relief? If it was, it was quickly overshadowed by concern of the fact that this did not seem a good place for them to be.
"We should take shelter." Sanzo managed, and continued to walk, hands tucked in the sleeves of his robes.
Despite his gloomy aura, it felt strangely easier with most of their party here.
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