[fic] A Promise Worth Keeping [6/?]

Dec 10, 2009 17:18

title: A Promise Worth Keeping
chapter: 6/?
genre: drama
rating: R
band/pairing: Nightmare x SCREW; Ni~ya x Manabu, Byou x Kazuki, Jin x Yuuto, SCREW OT4/5
warnings: m/m contact, light BDSM
disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, completely unauthorized
summary: Manabu had made a promise to himself....
rewind: 1 2 3 4 5
comments: I know, I missed an entire day. Personal problems that are continuing to intrude. I'll see if I can't get caught back up again, but since I couldn't even get out of bed until after 2pm. -_- But I'll keep poking away at it!


Almost eerie, sitting in the same coffee shop again. But this time he was actually waiting for someone while Kazuki chattered away at him. If he had offended any of his bandmates with his sudden change of heart about joining their sex games, they had all forgiven him readily enough, welcoming him back with gentle teasing. And not one word mentioned about the broken deal.

“Oi, Macchan, you aren't even paying attention to me at all, are you?” Kazuki whined, pouting at him.

“Sorry, Kazuki-kun,” he mumbled, eyes tracking the familiar form of his Nisama across the café. “I don't really understand why you're here with me anyway.”

“Because Yuuchan worries about you like a mother hen with an extra dumb chick. Who are we waiting for, anyway?”

“Us, I imagine. Or rather, me.”

Manabu couldn't resist a grin at the sound of Ni~ya's voice, though his good humor wavered towards shy embarrassment when he saw that his former master had brought Sakito with him. He liked the other man, but something about Nightmare's leader always made him feel so self-conscious, shabby.

“It's been awhile, Maneki,” Sakito teased, ruffling his hair with familiar affection.

“H-hai. I didn't know Nisama was bringing a guest,” he mumbled, not sure what to do about this turn of events.

“You aren't the only one with band practice, kitling,” Ni~ya teased, chuckling as he sat down next to Manabu. “Kazuki-kun, right? I'm Ni~ya and this is Sakito, yoroshiku.”

“Yes, that's right. It's a pleasure to meet you both, sempai,” Kazuki replied, bowing with barely restrained excitement. Fanboy. Which was kind of cute, really. It was certainly amusing the two Nightmare members. “Man, now I'm jealous. Manabu-kun didn't tell me he was getting picked up by sempai.”

“Ah, so Kazuki-kun won't be joining us for dinner tonight?” Sakito asked from his own seat next to the younger guitarist. “That's a shame. Perhaps next time?”

“Here, I'll give you my e-mail and you can invite us directly? Since apparently Macchan has the memory of a tweeked out marmoset,” Kazuki insisted, snickering. Manabu huffed and swatted at his friend, rolling his eyes. He wasn't that bad, he hadn't even known dinner plans had been made.

“Have fun, Macchan,” Kazuki trilled, ruffling Manabu's hair before bouncing out of the coffee shop. Why did everyone feel the need to do that? It made him feel like everyone's kid brother and dammit, he wasn't that young!

“He seems like a good boy, Maneki,” Sakito said. “Are the rest of your bandmates like him?”

“Sort of? Sometimes? Kazuki-kun is much more ... playful than the others. Yuuto-sempai is more quiet. Jin-sempai can be kinda scary sometimes, but Yuuto-sempai holds him in check. Byou-sempai...is a little mysterious. To me, anyway. He has so much more experience....”

“You'll have to introduce me to him sometime then,” Ni~ya said. Manabu wasn't entirely sure what to think of his former master's smile, but it felt like a good thing. He hoped so, anyway. “In the mean time, Saki has offered to pay for dinner. Something about making sure you actually eat occasionally. As if I can't look after you on my own.”

“Yuuji, you know full well this invitation was about more than just your returned pet,” Sakito shot back, a scowl momentarily marring his beautiful features. “Maneki isn't the only one who forgets to eat.”

“Oi, I resent the implication that I am somehow forgetful about something as important as feeding myself,” Ni~ya grumbled, but there was a familiar light in his eyes that made Manabu relax.

“Resemble it, you mean,” he murmured, shifting his seat closer to his former master. “Nisama's kitchen was such a mess when I went through it yesterday. Embarrassing.”

“See? Now stop fussing and finish your coffee so we can go.”

As nerve-racking as it could be to be around Sakito for very long, Manabu increasingly suspected that it was something he was going to have to get over sooner rather than later. It was silly of him to be so apprehensive around one of Ni~ya's bandmates anyway.

Such logical thinking did nothing to make him feel any less nervous when he found himself being seated in a private room with the whole of Ni~ya's band. He was outnumbered, surrounded, and there was no way for him to escape. He was doomed.

challenge: jry advent 2009, band: screw, band: nightmare

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