[fic] A Promise Worth Keeping [5/?]

Dec 08, 2009 20:32

title: A Promise Worth Keeping
chapter: 5/?
genre: drama
rating: R
band/pairing: Nightmare x SCREW; Ni~ya x Manabu, Byou x Kazuki, Jin x Yuuto, SCREW OT4/5
warnings: m/m contact, light BDSM
disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, completely unauthorized
summary: Manabu had made a promise to himself....
rewind: 1 2 3 4
comments: A bit shorter today, but it was either that or get dragged into something way too long for the constraints of the challenge.


It was perhaps a bit cowardly, attempting to spend the rest of Jin and Yuuto's visit hiding in Ni~ya's kitchen, but he really didn't know quite what else to do. Manabu didn't want to have to see Jin's face, too afraid that if he did he would fold like a cheap suit.

“Ni~ya-sempai, thank you for lunch, it was most generous of you,” he could hear Yuuto saying, could picture his demure leader offering a proper bow and everything. “Please take care of Manabu-kun for me again tonight, sempai? We have rehearsal in the morning, seven o'clock. Please see that he makes it this time? I do not what to have to worry about him again.”

“You're leaving already?”

“Yes. There are things Jin-kun and I need to discuss. At Manabu-kun's request, the band cedes claim to him.”

Manabu felt his eyes nearly falling out of his sockets, rushing forward to see Jin also gaping at their leader. Oh this couldn't be good. And it didn't sound very much like what he had told Yuuto he wanted. He could already tell Jin was seething with suppressed anger. Tonight was going to hurt.

“He is, of course, still my guitarist, but he will not be the band's plaything, you have my word on that, Ni~ya-sempai.”



“I will see that he makes it to rehearsal,” Ni~ya said, offering a formal bow in acknowledgment of Yuuto's place and power as band leader. Manabu felt himself squirming on the inside, worries increasing that he was somehow making a complete mess of things. Jin was so mad already ... yet Yuuto was completely calm. Clearly the bassist knew something he didn't.

Well, all right, Yuuto knew a great many things that Manabu did not. And when it came to Jin, that knowledge increased even more. But was this really okay? Worries increased as Yuuto approached him.

“Be good, Macchan,” the bassist murmured, cupping his cheek and offering him a soft smile. That easily he felt his worries melting away. Leader-sama knew what he was doing. Leader-sama would take care of everything.

The door was barely closed when he felt Ni~ya pulling him back against his chest, hands on his hips. So Ni~ya wanted him? But Ni~ya had released him because they were an imperfect match, and besides, he was pretty sure Ni~ya had someone of his own. That was why they never had sex anymore, right? Because there was another in his Nisama's heart? Manabu felt so confused....

“Clearly, you cannot be left to your own devices, kitling,” Ni~ya murmured, warm breath washing over the back of his neck. “I suppose this means I am going to have to find a better solution, ne?

“Then ... I really can't be yours again, can I?” Manabu mumbled, carefully turning himself around to burrow closer to the bassist that had done so much for him already. Of course it had been a selfish thought, but he couldn't deny that a part of him missed those days, when he had belonged to Ni~ya.

“I want you to be happy, Manabu-kun,” Ni~ya replied, the tiniest shake of his head. “And I'm not sure I'm the right person to do that for you. But we'll work together to find someone who is, all right?”

Manabu nodded even as he sighed heavily, burrowing closer. Maybe what he really needed was another night to get his head put back on straight.

challenge: jry advent 2009, band: screw, band: nightmare

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