Just... breathe...

Nov 08, 2012 11:43

DC Cancels Its Longest Running Series, Hellblazer, And Replaces It With New 52 Title, ConstantineI KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN. I KNEW IT. A friend linked me to this with real condolences. To me, this is as horrible as when JKR killed Sirius Black or RTD(DIAF) killed Ianto Jones. I actually hyperventilated and started to cry. Boy had to sit with me ( Read more... )

i have no brain for this, hellblazer, kill 'em all

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Comments 7

onlyonechoice November 8 2012, 17:45:35 UTC
*hugs* My condolences - I know how it feels to lose a beloved character, and the pain is real even if the person is fictional.

Also oh my god, Milliways is still a thing?


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spiderine November 8 2012, 20:43:21 UTC
Which one was that? I don't remember.


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spiderine November 9 2012, 19:37:09 UTC


magpiefirefly November 8 2012, 19:13:29 UTC
I am sorry.
I do not know this series, but I'm still upset about Sirius, so I can imagine how important this is to you.


spiderine November 8 2012, 20:44:06 UTC
Thank you. Fandom is awesome because we know this kind of emotional response is legitimate.


magpiefirefly November 8 2012, 20:59:19 UTC
Oh, it is real. I feel bad for people that can't get into what they love so much that it emotionally effects them. What a boring life.

This, only I know it isn't a book:



elainasaunt November 10 2012, 09:02:01 UTC
Twisted? Naw. Constantine is HAWT. Well, maybe not first thing in the morning after a hard night, but.


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