Just... breathe...

Nov 08, 2012 11:43

DC Cancels Its Longest Running Series, Hellblazer, And Replaces It With New 52 Title, Constantine

I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN. I KNEW IT. A friend linked me to this with real condolences. To me, this is as horrible as when JKR killed Sirius Black or RTD(DIAF) killed Ianto Jones. I actually hyperventilated and started to cry. Boy had to sit with me for a few minutes and hold my hand. That's how important this is to me.

I have followed this comic from the very first issue he appeared in Swamp Thing TWENTY YEARS AGO. I have the entire run of Hellblazer. He was the first fictional character I had sexual fantasies about (which tells you how twisted I am LOL).

I know, I know, "I reject your canon and substitute my own". Nothing will take that away from me. It's not the first time nor the last that this kind of thing happened in fandom. I simply can't deal right now.

Milliways people, expect a new permanently Bound resident. Not right at this moment; I have to wait until I can type without crying. There will be NO reference or mention of this new development. But when John comes in, I hope you'll play with me? Please?

This entry was originally posted at http://spiderine.dreamwidth.org/548941.html. There are
comments over there. I've disabled LJ's Facebook and Twitter cross-posting idiocy as much as I can, but if you're especially concerned, feel free to comment there.

i have no brain for this, hellblazer, kill 'em all

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