In which Spider has no reason to hide, but does anyway.

Feb 27, 2012 10:42

Why the fuck have I basically stopped reading my friends list? I DON'T KNOW!

Okay, yes, part of it I do know. I have a "responsibility" to
Read more... )

phone phactory, online friends are real friends, work

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Comments 2

msretro February 27 2012, 16:47:37 UTC
I've started marketing copywriting by cold calling businesses, so, I know what you're going through!

People I know who've cold called for years say that you eventually get used to it and it actually becomes fun to call strangers on the phone and ask them for things. For now, I've just gotta take their word for it.


iibnf February 28 2012, 07:39:53 UTC
When I did that job I stopped writing. It's been a year and I'm still not writing again, I think I went into a kind of shock after a while...


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