Guess what?

Nov 17, 2010 11:20

I just got sacked. "It isn't you, you're wonderful, everyone says you're wonderful, Addless loves working with you. It's Alphashark [the head lawyer in the Metashark group]. It's his house, we all just work here. We'll be happy to give you a reference."

Tomorrow Friday* is my last day. I don't want to do it, but I need the money. I haven't been ( Read more... )


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Comments 30

51stcenturyfox November 17 2010, 16:50:07 UTC


valancy_joy November 17 2010, 16:53:44 UTC
oh fuckety. :(


humascot97 November 17 2010, 16:56:01 UTC
A legal assistant position just opened up at my company in NYC. Interested?


spiderine November 17 2010, 17:07:19 UTC
I moved to Boston in 2006 because there were no jobs in NYC. I wish I could move back, but I can't right now. THANK YOU for the offer, though!


ncp November 17 2010, 16:59:48 UTC
What, AlphaShark didn't LIKE having nice, neat, organized files?

My brother is still trying to build up a clientele, but once he gets busy enough, I'll get the two of you in touch.


spiderine November 17 2010, 17:10:07 UTC
*hugs* Thank you! It kinda pisses me off that I did all the heavy lifting with my cunning plan and the person who comes after me will already have the system in place. I'm *this* tempted to delete my spreadsheet, but I'm not going to.

Tell your brother I can do part time for $20 an hour, just like I'm getting here. If I do it on "contract" he doesn't have to take tax out.


aunty_marion November 17 2010, 17:11:24 UTC
Oh, crap. Hope you find something else soon, and at least they'll give you a reference!


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