Guess what?

Nov 17, 2010 11:20

I just got sacked. "It isn't you, you're wonderful, everyone says you're wonderful, Addless loves working with you. It's Alphashark [the head lawyer in the Metashark group]. It's his house, we all just work here. We'll be happy to give you a reference."

Tomorrow Friday* is my last day. I don't want to do it, but I need the money. I haven't been here long enough to get unemployment.

*ETA: sorry, my mind is a day ahead. Friday is my last day, not tomorrow.

ETA AGAIN: Alphashark just came by my desk and said, "Sorry the firm handled your temp gig badly. It's a temp gig, in and out. They shouldn't have implied we'd hire you."

I think that's the most he's said to me since I started here.

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