43 + 1 Thinkies About "The End of Time Part 1"

Dec 25, 2009 20:39

Ho ho ho, everyone! If it's Xmas, it must be the Doctor Who Xmas Special! *APPLAUSE SIGN FLASHES* As we know, this is the first of two parts, the second of which will be airing next week. Ordinarily I'd call that a coruncopia of riches, but -- also as we know -- this is the two-parter in which we must bid goodbye to the Tenth Doctor and welcome his even scrawnier successor. At this point, I don't consider Ten's regeneration or the identity of Eleven and his jailbait Companion to be spoilers -- you'd have to be living on an isolated exploration base on Mars in order to have avoided them, really. I've also seen the bondage photos of our Special Guest Villain, but just in case any of you HAVE been living on an isolated exploration base on Mars, I'll avoid mention of him until he shows up. Other than that, I've tried to avoid spoilers except when they've been shoved in my face by EVERYONE ON THE INTERNET, and in any case I wouldn't admit to it here, so for all practical purposes I'm as pure as virgin snow. Yeah, that's what she said. Heh.

We also have a Special Guest Thinkier known as Boy, who has of late become sort of a fixture in my life, not to mention on my sofa. I'll be reporting his reactions along with mine when I'm not telling him to be quiet and get me another beer.

For those just joining us, here are the Rules I play by: (1) This is my running commentary as I watch the ep for the first time. After I'm done, I clean up the grammar and such, but I don't go back and change any of my stupid guesses and speculation or embarrassingly overenthusiastic reactions. That means that these Thinkies WILL be filled with stupid speculations, CAPSLOCK LIEK WHOA, embarrasing overenthusiasm, and brain kittens. (2) Oh yeah, that's right: when I watch these episodes I stuff my brain with fluffy kittens until there's no room for anything but glitter and squee. Any thought of any substance whatsoever has snuck in entirely by accident. (3) NO SPOILERS ARE ALLOWED IN COMMENTS. This means YOU. If you spoil me in any way (that includes by icon), I will delete your comment and hate you forever. SRSLY. An unspoiled Arachnid is a happy arachnid, and you wouldn't like me when I'm unhappy. (4) Martha rocks and Donna is the Queen of Awesome, but my heart belongs to Rose, and as far as I'm concerned so does the Doctor's. You're allowed your own opinion, but remember: this is MY journal, so deal with it.

1) Hello moon! Hello Earth! Who is that speaking? I recognize that voice! Bad dreams? Did they eat too much fruitcake? HI GRAMPA! I'm so glad he's here. I guess he couldn't bring his bong into church, huh?


3) JOHN SIMM! AND BERNARD CRIBBINS gets his name in the credits! Boy asks, "Why does Granpa remember the Master?" I say he must remember the Year That Never Was. Boy says he wasn't on the Valiant. I say... true, but he just got mojo'd somehow. I think it has something to do with Donna. WE SHALL SEE!

4) HI DOCTOR! HI, OOD! The Doctor must have been on a Hawaiian Holiday. I bet he did the hula! GOT MARRIED TO GOOD QUEEN BESS AND HER NICKNAME IS NO LONGER... WOW. Gentlebeings, we now have canon confirmation that the Doctor does indeed dance. DOCTOR/ROSE SHIPPERS FTW! \0/

5) Wait, I thought the Ood had their brains back? The little brains they hold in their hands, you know? Why would this Ood rather use a voice box instead of a brain to talk to the Doctor? Didn't they have that telepathic singing thing going on? And if the Doctor can lock the TARDIS remotely now, does that mean he's FINALLY got a recall button so he can summon the TARDIS instead of running all the time?

...nah.... that would be logical. Can't have that. Allons-y!

6) AH! The other Ood do have their little hand-brains. Well done, Continuity! "You will join"... hands and sing Kumbaya -- OR MAYBE NOT.

7) Donna mention! DRINK! *Spider chugs beer. Boy chugs kahlua and coffee, and mentions he may have to open a bottle of wine. I told him the job was dangerous when he took it, so don't blame me.*

8) "The King is in his counting house?" Sing a song of sixpence, pocket full of rye, Four and twenty black birds baked in a pie! WTF? Boy is having Baron von Munchhausen flashbacks on that one, because he is awesome and likes Terry Gilliam, as one should.

9) The ring! ONE RING TO RULE THEM -- wait, sorry, wrong universe. Oooh, it's got Gallifreyan writing on it. Who is that who picked it up? OMG is it that lady in white? OMG! CROSS DRESSING MASTER? DO WE HAVE CROSS DRESSING AND BONDAGE IN ONE SPECIAL? NOW THAT WOULD BE A REALLY SPECIAL SPECIAL! *brain kittens perk up and put on stockings and garters. Spider chugs beer to wipe that rather disturbing image from her brain. Boy goes to fetch that bottle of wine*

10) Something vast is stirring in the dark. Time is bleeding. Events from years ago. Why is the Doctor running? This is creating useless tension when he's a Time Lord and can get to whenever he wants whenever he wants to. Poor writing and direction there! *brain kittens thwap Spider* Sorry! Too much thinking, not enough drinking. My bad! Oooh, that vortex music sounds like it's from Batman!

11) Who in the what now? Saxon has a harem of really ugly women? WHO IS THAT LADY ON GRANPA WILF'S TV? Is that Harriet Jones, Prime Minister? (No, I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE!)

12) Did Governor Lady just say "The Secret Books of Saxon"? Boy: "He has a secret religion!" Spider: "He's like Charlie Manson, and these are his Manson girls!"

13) "You were Saxon's wife. You bore his imprint." Oh, is that what the kids are calling it these days? Wait, they're wiping Lucy's mouth? Haven't they let her brush her teeth all this time? EEEEWWWWW! Evil is no excuse for poor dental hygiene!

14) NAKED MASTER IS NAKED! Awww, he still likes Lucy! Oh no, not the fucking DRUMS again... Okay, from now on whenever anyone mentions the Secret Books of Saxon, it's a DRINK! And now we have two to make up for lost time. *Spider chugs beer twice. Boy chugs wine twice*

15) Oooh! Explosions! The whole fucking prison exploded! And once again the Doctor gets there too late, and can't go back to before it happened because now he's active in the time line.

16) So I don't know who these two people are, but when he said, "Leave it to daddy" I got so very very squicked because I thought she was his wife. Ew. They must be part of the Secret Saxon Cult. *Spider prepares to hear more about the Secret Books of Saxon. Boy: "Drinks at the ready!" He's a quick learner, ain't he? LOL!*

17) Christmas is cancelled? Now we KNOW he's a baddie. Boy: "Does England have its own Evil Obamas?" Spider: "No, but it has its own Stargate."

18) Boy points out that Wilf was wearing these same antlers in Turn Left. See, I knew he'd be useful! Wilf has his whole senior center out looking for the Doctor! "Modern sort of hair, all sticky-uppy." The Silver Cloak! They're awesome.

19) OOOH! Boy: "It's John Simm and Simon Pegg's love child!" What a hotty! But what lousy table manners. I really don't need to see a close up of chewed food. AAAHH. Holy shit! Boy: "It's the Visible Master!" SKELETONS! DINNER TIME! Look, up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's REAALLY FUCKIN' SCARY! Now this is the Doctor Who I've been missing!

20) They can smell each other! How romantic.... HE WILL KNOCK FOUR TIMES! It's like some primitive Time Lord mating ritual. And look! It's the Silver Cloak Avengers, and they all think the Doctor is a looker and want photos with him. Skeevy old man: "Me next!" RTD GAY AGENDA! DRINK! *Spider chugs beer. Boy chugs wine.* This must be how Tennant feels when he's mobbed by fans. "Is that your HAND, Minnie!?" LOL!

21) "People have waited hundreds of years to find me." I'm counting that as a Captain Jack shout out BECAUSE I CAN. DRINK! *Spider chugs beer. Boy chugs wine.* "Everything I am dies. Some new man goes sauntering away, and I'm dead." DONNA! It's DONNA! "She's making do." "Aren't we all?" So true, Doctor, so true. Oohhh, Doctor, don't cry! Big grownup Time Lords don't cry! *Spider huggles Boy. Brain kittens climb up on Spider's lap. Real cats climb up on Boy's lap because they are fickle creatures and like Boy's lap better.*

22) Is that voiceover the Ood voice? I don't think so. I KNOW! IT'S SANTA!

23) Am I going to the Bad Place because I find Insane!Master utterly lusciously hot? If I am, I'll save you a place next -- WHO THE FUCK -- IS THAT TIMOTHY DALTON? HOLY SHIT!

24) Am I going to the Bad Place because I find the Doctor utterly lusciously hot? HEY, since when did the Master turn into a fuckin' Super Hero, with the flying and the electric hands and shit? What is this, an X-Men movie? And am I going to the Bad Place because I want the Doctor and the Master to rip each other's clothes up and snog like the world is coming to an end? ARE YOU GOING TO THE BAD PLACE WITH ME? WE HAVE COOKIES!

25) Oooh, Gallifrey reminiscences! Boyhood friendship! OMG are they going to kiss? DAMN! "What's inside your head?" Oh man, I am not liking this Super!Master thing at all.

26) White light WTF? Boy: "It's E.T.!" No, it's a helicopter! It's a Mission Impossible kidnapping! OR IS IT? Could it be the Super Secret Books of Saxon Cult TO THE RESCUE? I MUST KNOW!

27) Fighting the Future by Joshua Naismith. Ooookay. "Never too early for margaritas." I AGREE, DONNA!

28) YES! HELLLOOOOOO, MASTER IN BONDAGE! Naismith's daughter is hyperventilating, and so am I! LOOK AT THAT TONGUE! *Spider swoons. Brain kittens fan her. Boy revives her with beer*

29) WHO IS THAT LADY IN WHITE? It's not Harriet Jones, Prime Minister (I know who she is!). "The time will come when you must take arms." Against a sea of troubles? Ooh, bad Wilf! Handguns are illegal in the UK!

30) Wilf gets to visit the TARDIS! YES! "Bigger on the inside." DRINK! *Spider chugs beer. Boy chugs wine*

31) HELLLOOOOO, MASTER IN BONDAGE! With your cute red collar and your crisp white straitjacket... ROWR. This episode is just fanservice piled on fanservice, isn't it?

32) TORCHWOOD! That's a DRINK! *Spider chugs beer. Boy chugs wine*

33) "You'd taste great." My GODS the fanservice just keeps on coming. Yes, she said "coming." Heh.

34) Abigail, "bringer of joy", definitely wants to bring some joy to the Master. And he looks like he wouldn't mind being on the receiving end. OMG LEASH! Holy fuck! *brain kittens faint. Spider revives them with beer*

35) "Oh my lord, she's a cactus!" Oh Wilf, never change. *Spider huggles him*

36) "My name is the Master." Boy: "Not with that collar on, it isn't!"



39) Who was that emo boy who gets the one line? Must be some BBC exec's nephew who wants to be an actor.


41) THE MASTER RACE! Boy: "WORST SHAGGY DOG EVER! I bet they've been waiting decades just to use that line." *brain kittens GROOOOAAAAN*

42) TIMOTHY DALTON! THE TIME LORDS RETURN! Is he Wazzizname? Is that that guy with a V? That Time Lord guy? Check the credits... no, he's only "The Narrator". Is that a Time Lord Name like the Doctor or the Master? The Narrator? OMG IT'S CLAIRE BLOOM! I knew I recognized her, I just didn't know who she was! I BET SHE'S A TIME LADY!

43) In summary: I CAN'T SUMMARIZE THE AWESOME. IT IS JUST TOO AWESOME! I've been kinda blasé about Doctor Who lately after RTD ripped my heart out and shat on it, but I must admit he's pulled out ALL THE STOPS in this ep. Boy: "Yeah, well, let's just see if he can bring it all home." TRUER WORDS NEVER SPOKEN, MY DARLING. RTD can't write endings to save his pathetic little petty charcoal lump of a heart. But the problem is, he'll do something like Children of Earth and then he'll turn around and do something like this ep, which just blew my fucking socks off. Or maybe it was the beer. Or the Christmas cheer. Or whatever. In any case, SEE YOU NEXT WEEK YEAR, MY PRETTIES!

Plus One for the teaser: THE DOCTOR WITH A..... holy shit. HOLY SHIT. HOLY SHIT! This is going to be AWESOME! I think I just broke my CAPSLOCK!

doctor who, thinkies

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