Aug 12, 2009 11:16
Finding and scheduling an appointment with a doctor is impossible.
I need a psychiatrist and a therapist. In order to do this, I need a referral from a primary care physician. I pick a primary care physician from my insurance coverage list, and I call for an appointment. I find that this doctor is not taking new patient appointments until December, January, February. I pick another one and start again*.
In the meantime, I need a psychiatrist and a therapist. I need a new psychiatrist because my current one (my "pill shrink") is no longer going to be practicing in the Boston area because he's tired of making the 2 hour commute in from western Massachusetts. Without him, no meds. I need meds, DUH. I need a therapist because I NEED A FUCKING THERAPIST.
In the meantime of the meantime, until I find a therapist, or for at least a few weeks, I'm schlepping all the way out to the Bourgeois Bin EVERY WEEK, taking three subways, a bus and a cab to do so, a trip lasting an hour and a half each way for a 45 minute appointment. And the Bourgeois Therapist is on what they call the "STAT team" which means she is not meant to be my permanent therapist; she's just meant as an interim measure while I find a therapist.
But I can't find a therapist because I can't find a primary care physician who can see me soon enough to make an referral.
Around and around and around we go...
*YES I tried Cambridge Health Alliance. YES I tried Mass General.
kill 'em all