Personal boundaries, you say? What is this you speak of?

Aug 12, 2009 12:35

Speaking of things that are frustrating me, here's a different kind of frustration.

I have been unable to get off since I got back from the bin. I blame the increase in meds and the addition of the risperidone.

Some might say this is no big deal. Au contraire! THIS IS A DISASTER. Some might say it happens to the best of us sometimes. Au contraire! I CAN USUALLY GO OFF LIKE A STRING OF FIRECRACKERS. Some might say it's due to stress. Au contraire! A TIME OF STRESS IS WHEN I MOST NEED A RIP-ROARING ORGASM. I always use sex to relieve stress! That's what it's for! It releases endorphins and serotonin! It lowers blood pressure! It burns calories! It feels good, and it's good for you too!

It's true that I'm flying solo these days, but all that means is I'm in the hands that know my body best. You know the saying, "Lucullus dines with Lucullus". NOTHING BUT THE BEST FOR ME, DAMMIT. I take the trouble to show myself a damn good time, but for the first time since I can remember, it ain't working. And now I'm in that negative feedback loop where the more I try, the more frustrated I get, and the more difficult it becomes, so I try more, and and and...


I'm seeing my pill shrink today and I'm going to rant at him until he agrees to take this concern seriously and let me stop taking the risperidone. He's used to me spouting TMI about my sexuality, he should be cool with it.

sex, rants, tmi

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