48 + 1 Thinkies about "Children of Earth: Day Two"

Jul 07, 2009 22:40

HI AGAIN! It's Day Two of our five-day Torchwood Orgy Marathon and boy o boy am I ready! Do you think Torchwood is ready? I BET THEY ARE! Shall we see? OF COURSE WE SHALL!

Do I have to go through the rules again? *sigh* 1) No peeking and no cheating: I swear on my toenails this is the very first time I'm watching the ep and I'm commenting as I go. I don't go back and change anything except for grammar and spelling and a bit of housecleaning (I might consolidate two numbers into one, for example). 2) DON'T YOU DARE SPOIL ME IN ANY WAY FOR FUTURE EPISODES. NO SHIT. NO FOOLING. I CAN GET NASTY AND THE BRAIN KITTENS CAN GET NASTIER. YOU WON'T LIKE BRAIN KITTENS IF THEY GET NASTY. 3) Jack/Ianto is my OTP 4EVA. You're entitled to your opinion, but please remember this is MY journal so don't expect me to give you "equal time". 4) Before I start the vid, I unplug the higher functions of my brain, crank up the SQUEEING FANGIRL dial to OMG ELEVENTYONE!!!! and embrace my Brain Kitten Overlords. If any thought of any substance whatsoever sneaks into these Thinkies, it ain't on purpose.

1) When last we left our intrepid heroes... a whole bunch of stuff happened. Watch yesterday's ep or read my post or something. I'm not recapping the entire thing again.

2) Wow. Now that's a bomb site! Is it horrible of me to think it looks really cool? I like the "hearing loss" filter on Gwen's POV shots; it's nothing that hasn't been done a zillion times before, but it works for me. Yeah, I'm easy. Yeah, I expected you to snicker while reading that. *shrug*

3) I am so sorry, Gwen, but the way you squeal as the EMTs carry you away is really making me laugh. "Control says no survivors!" OH SHIT. YOU GO, GWEN! Bite the shit out of him -- SLAM HIM WITH THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER! Badarse extinguisher-fu for the WIN! FLYING LEAP WITH DOUBLE-FISTED GUNS BLAZING! If I'm not mistaken, that's a DRINK! *Spider chugs beer*

4) Our next contestant out of the rubble is Mr Ianto Jones. You will note, dear audience, that while he is adorably dusty and rumpled with just an insouciant touch of blood on his cheek, Mr Jones has managed to survive a near-fatal building collapse without getting his tie out of place or suffering a single rip to his suit jacket (the lining of which matches the tie exactly). Let's hear it for Mr Jones, gentlebeings! *Applause sign flashes; brain kittens applaud on cue*

5) "They got lucky." *snort* That should be the Torchwood motto. What's that in Latin? Um... *brain kittens thwap Spider* RIGHT SORRY NO TIME FOR CONJUGATIONS NOW. We have Creepy Guy 1 and Creepy Guy 2 doing plot stuff!

6) SHOOT HIM IN THE FACE! SHOOT HIM IN THE FACE! Or the foot. The foot's good too, I'll go with the foot! :)

7) ANDY! HI ANDY! *Spider waves* "If she's anti-terrorist, I wouldn't mind being Uncle Terrorist." *Spider rolls eyes* Oh, Andy, never change! *hearts*

8) Hi sleepy Rhys! What are you reading? OH NEVER MIND! TIME TO GO ON THE LAM! WHEE! He wears pretty blue boxer briefs. :) Andy is a stickler for procedure. :) Rhys has not gone into hiding before! *hearts hearts hearts!* Andy knows there's no substitute for local knowlege! :) What is this -- some kind of Salt of the Earth Blokes Duet? *brain kittens nod* Okay, I can go with that. :D

9) Ice cream gives Ianto a headache. *Spider rolls eyes* WAY TO BE OBTUSE, Mr "I know everything but understand NOTHING." But look at the li'l scar perfectly placed on his cheekbone for maximum HAWTNESS. <3 <3 <3

10) Holy shit, Gwen, you were paying attention during Jack's gun training! Whooda thunk?

11) "Let me carry the bag. You want your trigger finger free, don't you?" Aaaaaaw, Rhys! If I ever go ON THE LAM I want a sweetie just like you! <3 <3 <3

12) I'm... just... going to ignore the large pale nekkid arse of Ianto's -- brother in law? Is that right? It's the "Ai! Gay boy!" guy from last night. No idea what his name is. But he evidently has a tattoo and a large pale nekkid arse... *Brain kittens look on in horror*


14) Plot plot plot. W'ever. "WE WANT A PONY." Hee! Now that's pretty damn funny. :)

15) Hi Clem! Hi Jack's daughter and grandson!

16) Okay. I didn't say it last night, but I'll say it now: whenever I get the first glimpse of Office Peon Lois entering the frame, I get a millisecond's flash of OMG IS THAT MARTHA? *sigh* *Brain kittens thwap Spider* Yes, yes, I know. Martha is touring the Pleasure Peninsulas with John Hart on her honeymoon with Tom. *grumble grumble*

Lois is very pretty, though.

17) Wellllll... in a weird kind of sideways tesseracty timey-wimey way, Jack's longevity is indeed connected with the Cardiff Hub. Which taps into a timespace Rift which taps into the Vortex which was once one with our very own Rose Tyler (DRINK? Oh, why not? Here's to Rose! *Spider chugs beer*) who was therefore able to grant Jack his immortality. See? It's all connected SO THERE NYAH! \0/

Why yes, I do rule! Thanks for noticing! ;)

18) What are they going to do without the Hub? The beautiful, beautiful -- HAND! JACK'S HAND! Jack's only somewhat burned and crusty hand! OMG IT'S JUST THE ARM! @_@

PAUSE THE VID FOR THINKY SPECULATION regarding parallels with the Doctor's hand and how that can help Jack regenerate. The Doctor grew a new hand when his was cut off. Does Jack function off the same type of regenerative energy as a Time Lord? Can he regrow entire limbs? Can Jack regrow an entire new self from JUST HIS HAND? Is this going to be some split-the-worm thing like what happened with the Doctor and we'll have two Jacks running around? WILL JACK NEED A SEX-WITH-HIMSELF TAG?


19) What interesting colour of nail varnish Jack's daughter Alice is wearing. :)

20) "An arm, a shoulder and remains of a head." WOW. This is either going to be a total fake out or.... ew. *brain kittens make gakking noises and get the barf bags ready*

21) "He always was an arrogant sod." That's our Captain! *hearts and flowers and disco balls!*

22) Awwwww, Ianto on a roof looks so sad! :( *Spider huggles brain kittens*

But, y'know, you may not want to hang about the bomb site when people are looking --- ooh! Clever Ianto gets the license plate! Okay, then! Now get out of there!

23) Covert surveillance IS NOT COVERT. Clever kids are clever! Ranty dad is ranty OVERACTING but still very funny! And his name is Johnny. Thanks for letting us know, SHOW. :)

24) "Where dad broke my leg, at noon. Bring laptop, I." Now, this is gonna be interesting...

... Appropos of nothing, I would like to take this opportunity to state how disappointed I am at the low DRINKY ratio of this episode so far. Hmpf. So...... DRINK! *Spider chugs beer for no reason*

25) No no no, Rhys and Gwen, if you use the cashpoint you'll -- yep! They're tracking you and they froze your account! And those bloody fascist surveillance cams are watching you! So you'd better.... go to London? HuhWHA? "Whoever wants us dead, that's where they'll be." "So where we should be is... John O Groats!" Can I repeat how much I adore Rhys? Thank heavens someone has a lick of sense around here!

But, yes, Rhys is thinking like a civilian, while Gwen is thinking like a Big Damn Hero. Remember that Buffy episode with the scene where they're all at the beach, and the scene's about the difference between Heroes and Sidekicks? (One of my favorites!) Well, this is another illustration right here. The Hero is the one who runs TOWARD the danger. *Brain kittens try to thwap Spider for thinking Deep Thoughts. Spider ducks because these are WAY COOL Deep Thoughts! :P *

26) Oh no. Oh.... fuck... AW they're doing it under the body bag! We don't get to see the process! *Spider is a heartless ghoul* NO I'm not! *Yes you are* No! I'm just interested in the mechanics of this universe and Jack's regenerative process! *Brain kittens thwap Spider* Sigh. Oh, whatever. DRINK! *Spider shuts up, chugs beer*

27) EEEEWWWWW! COOL! We get to see! Okay, yeah, maybe I am a heartless ghoul, but EEEEWWW COOL! "It was a bag of bits when it came in... cuff it to the wall." Even DEAD GLOPPY SKELETON JACK gets put in bondage! ROFL! ....hey, Jack in bondage is a DRINK! *Spider chugs beer*

28) "I don't question you defend the world against extraterrestrial infiltration, don't you question my knowledge of the hauling industry." YOU TELL HER, RHYS! *hearts hearts* Ooooh, nice boots, Gwen! *Spider covets*

29) Yeah, Johnny! Get the homeys and distract the snoops! Very well done! *Brain kittens applaud*

30) NASTY! Oh, poor Jack! ... but do you know why he's really screaming? Because, if you'll look at the full frontal on the monitor view, you'll see that Crusty Skinless Burn Victim Jack has NO PENIS! "He'd have been better off staying dead." No shit! Jack can survive anything, BUT NOT THAT! ANYTHING BUT THAT! ROFL!

I'd also like to thank taffimai who pointed out, from the preview of this shot in yesterday's teaser, that Jack can be burned and bloody nigh unto death, but still have perfect teeth. That's our Captain! *hearts hearts hearts*

31) Awwww, this is why I love Gwen and Rhys. I was just thinking, "Oh, here we go with the Baby Conversation," and she says the whole thing with nothing but her eyes and her smile and he knows exactly what she's talking about! *hearts hearts hearts*

32) Ianto still hasn't so much as loosened his tie or unbuttoned his waistcoat! *hearts hearts hearts* I really didn't think Ianto's dad broke his leg "on purpose"; I figured it was an accident. I also figured that Ianto still resents it a bit. W'ever. That's kinda characterization-by-the-numbers, if you ask me. Lazy writing. And I just can't get over the tiny li'l scratch on Ianto's cheek that's perfectly placed to highlight his cheekbone. LOL! It's like... a "symbol" of a scratch. A "signifier" of a -- *Brain kitttens thwap Spider* RIGHT. SORRY. ONWARD.

33) Yup. They're still coming. TOMORROW.

34) JONES. IANTO JONES. Licensed to drive!

35) Gwen invokes TORCHWOOD! DRINK! *Spider chugs beer* Yep, Lois is on the Good Guy team. How much you wanna bet she gets recruited as Martha substitute token person of colour femmeslash bait for Gwen Torchwood's newest recruit? "I don't do autographs." OH, SNAP! Getting a bit uppity, are we Gwen? Careful, or I'll send the brain kittens to scratch up your snazzy leather jacket!

36) Awww, we still don't get to see full frontal Jack! :( *Spider pouts* "Face me like a man!" "I'm not a man." Okay... on the one hand, that's the same old tired line switcheroo we've been hearing since Tolkien did it with Eowyn. On the other hand, FAIL on the presumption of gender, Jack! But on the gripping hand: dude, the guy just recovered from REGENERATING FROM A FINGER BONE AND A PILE OF GOO, so I'm going to give him a pass. This time. Especially since his blue eyes are so PRETTY! And his skin is so PINK AND CLEAN AND BABY SOFT! AND HIS HAIR REGENERATED WITH THE GEL STILL IN IT! BWAHAHAHAHA!

37) OMG THEY'RE BURYING HIM IN CEMENT! This is the best Jack-torture episode EVER!

... hey wait, I missed a Jack-in-bondage DRINK and a nearly-nekkid-Jack DRINK! W00t! TWO DRINKS AT ONCE! *Spider double-chugs beer* \0/ *Spider belches. Brain kittens think Spider is a pig.*

38) Wow, Lois is efficient, and clever, and well prepared... "I'm a PA, that's what I do." "When this is all over, and you want a job, come and see me." And Lois does not say, but IS THINKING: Are you out of your fuckin' mind? The entire government is trying to kill you!

40) Kidnapping, grand theft auto -- ooh, very nice artsy shot of a roundabout. :)

41) Betcha Old Creepy Guy is a member of the 456 or otherwise associated with them.

44) Gwen and Rhys drive RIGHT PAST a cement truck. Eeeek! But they still make a great team of body-snatchers. :D And Gwen is SUCH the Super Secret Agent!

45) Wow, now that is some quick-curing concrete! Doesn't that shit take like 8 hours just to set and weeks to cure dry?

46) IANTO ON THE FORKLIFT FOR THE WIN! \0/ OMG he's going to drop it off a cliff to break it! AWESOME! Aaaaannnndddd.... JACK GASPS AWAKE! DRINK! *Spider chugs beer* JACK ARSE! WE HAVE JACK ARSE! DRINK! *Spider chugs beer* Oooh, bit of love handles there, Mr Barrowman? Not that I mind, nor am I in any position to judge. Gwen doesn't seem to mind either. LOL! She does that momentary avert/close the eyes thing for Rhys's sake, but only after she got a good eyeful. And of course even though she handed him something to wear, Jack just throws it over his shoulder and strides off nekkid. That's our Captain! *hearts hearts hearts*

47) Nice li'l gas chamber you got there, Creepy Old Guy. Oh, you know who he reminds me of? I just figured it out! Q from the original Bond movies. Yep, I told you he was creepily attached to the 456. Quisling? Or Renfield? Or...? We'll find out soon, because THEY! ARE! COMING! TOMORROW!

48) In conclusion: This was the Super Gwen Cooper Hour. She kicked arse, looked great doing it, and still managed to find time to bond with Rhys. GWEN COOPER, YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL! Ianto wasn't in this one much, but when he was, he was very well dressed for every occasion, even driving a forklift. LOL! But most of all, this was the BEST JACK-TORTURE EPISODE EVER! Reduced to a blob of bone and goo, regenerating through that horrible nerve-ending flayed skinless state, buried in concrete, dropped off a cliff... AND HIS HAIR AND TEETH ARE STILL PERFECT. I LOVE MY SHOW!

And my Plus One for the teaser: Running, shooting, driving, pointing. WE ARE HERE. And I'll be here too, won't you?

thinkies, torchwood

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