"A Close And Holy Darkness"

Jan 23, 2007 09:09

For a long time, I've been banging my head trying to think of a collective title for the series of Jack/Ianto smut I've been writing. After considering and rejecting a lot of titles, I've decided to use a quote from Dylan Thomas's  "A Child's Christmas in Wales" which I used at the end of my story "A Boy's Christmas in Wales".

This series is now called A Close and Holy Darkness.

Here are links to all the stories in order:

"Proper For the Workplace"
"Adaptive Evolution"
"A Creature of Habit"
"Time Between Friends"
"A Boy's Christmas in Wales"
"Do Him Ease: Part 1 of 2"
"Do Him Ease: Part 2 of 2"

For my convenience (and that of anyone else keeping track) I will update this page as new stories are added.  There will be a link to this post in my links list, and all stories in the series have now been tagged "close and holy darkness".

close and holy darkness

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